The service of Lessons and Carols due to take place today (24 December) at 4pm has been cancelled. This follows one member of the choir showing symptoms of Covid-19.

We recognise this will be disappointing, but we are sure you understand that health and safety, and preventing the spread of the virus is of paramount importance.

We have been taking advice from local Director of Public Health, and have now had confirmation that the choir can resume singing. To add to the precautions already in place we have decided that a reduced choir, with no choristers, will take part in the services planned over the coming days.

Midnight Mass and Christmas Morning Eucharist will both take place with music provided by the reduced choir.

We are pleased that we will once again be able to sing God’s praises, and hope that it will bring comfort and joy to all in this difficult year.

Thank you all for your understanding in the face of these last minute changes and for your continued support in keeping the Cathedral a place where all can visit in safety and comfort, and for helping to prevent the spread of the virus.

May you know the peace of Christ in your hearts and your homes this Christmas.