
Sermons at Lincoln Cathedral | Exquisite tapestries | History and Culture

All are welcome you join the daily services and sermons at Lincoln Cathedral

You can find dates, times and more details by following the link below.

If you have not been able to attend, or if you have enjoyed a particular sermon and wish to reflect on it further you will find transcripts and videos of some of the most recent sermons on this page.

You can watch many or our services live, and for up to 7 days afterwards, on the Lincoln Cathedral YouTube Channel

Read more details about our services
After hours worship at Lincoln Cathedral

This morning in the Mother Church of our diocese we celebrate Mothering Sunday, and Mother’s Day. It comes as a welcome interlude in our Lenten progress towards the Passion of our Lord and the Risen Christ of Easter. It provides an opportunity to reflect on our beginning and upbringing. To reflect on our experiences of family and relationships.

Sermon 10 March – The Rt Revd Nigel Peyton

Noah’s Ark is a much-loved children’s toy found in homes and pre-school playgroups. The large colourful boat with its cargo of animals has a lasting appeal for us all. I have two Arks. The first is a tiny pewter Ark which opens like a Russian Doll, revealing its treasures: two monkeys on the roof…

Sermon, 18 February 2024 – The Rt Revd Dr Nigel Peyton

There has been considerable controversy over the discontinuation of the famous Lincoln Christmas Market. My personal view is that it requires a careful re-set. It certainly promotes the city and county but was becoming strangled by its popularity…

Sermon, 2 December – The Rt Revd Dr Nigel Peyton

Suddenly the sunlight which had filled a bright August morning disappeared and with it our conversation ceased.  The words and laughter which had filled so many hours of our tour of Israel had been silenced by a sense of reverence for the place in which we now stood…

Sermon, 12 November 2023 – The Revd Canon Dr Simon Jones

With members of my family, a number of you were present at the ceremony which confirmed my election as Bishop of Lincoln. The Archbishop of Canterbury delivered his Charge which was a summary of the hopes of the Diocese and the wider County for what we might accomplish together in the years that I shall be with you…

Sermon, 11 November 2023 – The Rt Revd Stephen Conway

Today the Church celebrates the feast of All Saints when we think of, and give thanks for, the Saints of God who have gone before us in the faith of Christ as we, together with them, wait for the final establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven or Kingdom of God …

Sermon, 5 November 2023 – The Revd Canon Prof Peter Neil