After evening prayer on the first Wednesday of each month
All of us are, in different ways, in need of God’s healing and, at certain times, particularly so. In Christ and through the Holy Spirit, God longs to draw near to us in times of need. Christ’s resurrection means that sickness can never define us, however much it may dominate our lives at times, and that even in this life we can experience the breaking in of Christ’s kingdom through a transforming experience of his love, strength and healing.
What form this healing may take we cannot tell. It may help to carry us through a long-term or chronic condition; it may lead to recovery more rapidly than expected; it may mean we become less fearful of death (our own or of a loved one); or it may lead to something unexpected that transforms the way in which we view the situation we’re in.

Prayer with laying on of hands and anointing will be available after Evening Prayer (which begins at 5.30pm) on the first Wednesday of each month. The laying on of hands will be offered by one of the cathedral clergy. It will be offered individually and privately (although there is nothing to stop couples or small groups coming forward together). You may tell the priest what you would like them to pray for, if you wish, or not, if you’d prefer. This ministry is confidential, and you may receive it for yourself, or on behalf of someone else. Anointing of the forehead and hands, with oil blessed by the Bishop at the Chrism Eucharist during Holy Week, will then available for those with a specific need for themselves.
It is our hope that through the regular offering of this ministry, which is also always available on request, we will experience afresh that wholeness and peace which is Christ’s will for all people.