Did you know, Lincoln Cathedral is dog-friendly ?
Well behaved dogs are welcome throughout the Cathedral and are likely to receive lots of fuss from our staff and volunteers!
All we ask is that they are kept on leads and that you respect the peace of the Cathedral as a place of prayer and reflection.
For your reference, our full dog admittance policy is shown below.
Lincoln Cathedral dog admittance policy
Published March 2024
1.1 Well-behaved dogs have been welcomed to Lincoln Cathedral for many years, and the Cathedral has become known, and is listed, as a dog-friendly tourist venue. We recognise that for many families or individuals, their dog is an important part of their family, or perhaps their best companion.
1.2 This policy is to provide clarity to visitors and worshippers about access with dogs and other animals, in recognition of the Cathedral’s primary purpose of worship and also as a world-class historical building.
2.1 Guide and assistance dogs are welcome in all parts of the Cathedral, its facilities and its precincts at all times they are open and will always be accommodated at services and acts of worship, and at special events.
3.1 Well-behaved, quiet and controlled dogs are welcome to Lincoln Cathedral and, during hours when admission charges are in place, will be admitted without an additional entry fee. Dogs must be always kept on leads within the Cathedral, its facilities and its precincts. Owners whose dogs are unruly, noisy or which otherwise cause problems will be asked to leave. The following general guidelines are in place to balance the needs of worshippers and visitors to the cathedral and its precincts:
3.2 Access to the cathedral church (including for services)
3.2.1 Well-behaved dogs are welcome under the close supervision of their owners during the periods that the cathedral church is open for worship and visiting, including accompanying their owners to acts of worship. However, the cathedral is a living, working church and owners are asked to appreciate the needs of those praying in and worshipping in the building. When attending acts of worship, owners should be aware that they and their dogs may be required, out of consideration of other worshippers, to sit in specific seats allocated by vergers or stewards. If dogs make any noise (such as barking or howling), owners are to remove them promptly from the cathedral church.
3.3 Access to other areas of the cathedral buildings and for special events
3.3.1 Well-behaved dogs are welcome under the close supervision of their owners in most other areas throughout the cathedral, again with consideration for the needs of others. The only exceptions to this are:
• To safeguard historic artefacts, no dogs (except guide and assistance dogs) will be permitted in the Learning Centre, the historic libraries or into any restricted areas which will be clearly signed.
• Access to areas where food is being served may need to be restricted for reasons of hygiene and out of consideration for all visitors. Where this is the case, it will be clearly signed.
• Unless otherwise advertised, only guide and assistance dogs are permitted to attend paid events, such as concerts, dinners or theatrical performances.
3.4 Access to external areas of the cathedral site
3.4.1 Dogs are allowed to enjoy the Dean’s Green with their owners, providing they are kept on a lead and under full control. Any dog waste should be cleaned up thoroughly. If there are problems cleaning up after a dog, a member of staff should be informed.