Stations of the Cross
Wednesday 12, 19, and 26 March, 2, 9, and 16 April – 4.30pm
The Stations of the Cross is a reflective journey to the cross using prayer, scripture, and silence that helps us to connect our lives, our society, and our world, with Jesus’s life and death, recognising his presence in our lives at all times. All are welcome to join us.
Lent Sermon Series: ‘Teach us to Pray’…
Sunday 16, 23 and 30 March, 6 April – 3.45pm
A series of sermons at Evensong on Sundays during Lent, complementing the themes of the diocesan Lent Course.
- 9 March – Please (Petition) by The Rev’d Lynne Smith
- 16 March – Wow (Thanksgiving) by The Rev’d Canon Sarah Lawrence
- 23 March – Sorry (Penitence) by Canon Sarah Spencer
- 30 March – Ouch (Lament) by The Rev’d Canon Dr Hugh Jones
- 6 April – Nothing (Contemplation) by The Rev’d David McCormick
Palm Sunday
Sunday 13 April – 10.30am
Procession, Reading of Passion and Sung Eucharist
Holy Week
Monday 14 April
Holy Week evening service: Compline
Tuesday 15 April
Chrism Eucharist
Holy Week evening service: Compline
Wednesday 16 April
Holy Week evening service: Tenebrae
Thursday 17 April – Maundy Thursday
Sung Eucharist and Stripping of the Alters
Friday 18 April – Good Friday
Liturgy for Good Friday
Three Hours Service
Saturday 19 April – Easter Eve
Easter Vigil and First Eucharist of Easter
Easter Day
Sunday 20 April
7.45am – Litany
8am – Holy Communion
10.30am – Sung Eucharist with Orchestra
12.30pm – Holy Communion
3.45pm – Festal Evensong