Mark Hocknull, Chancellor   John Patrick, Subdean   Philippa White, Succentor

In the last Chapter Letter the Precentor wrote about how we walk during Holy Week with Jesus on His journey into Jerusalem on a donkey, then to Gethsemane, to his trials before Herod and Pilate and finally beyond the city walls to Calvary and finally death on the cross.

One of the great post-resurrection Easter stories concerns another walk and that is when we join the two disciples on their way to Emmaus: leaving Jerusalem despondently behind them they encounter the risen Christ as they make their way to Emmaus. Only recognising their companion on the way after he has opened to them the scriptures and then broken bread at the meal table do they then return to Jerusalem and tell the other disciples what has been revealed to them.

As we travel on our Christian journey I suggest – that like those disciples on the way to Emmaus – there will be moments when we feel the darkness of despair and the cold of fear and loneliness but also the warmth of God’s grace and his resurrection life being made real in our lives. The Christian faith is not about owning some sort of divine defender to protect us from the realities of life: a holy blanket to cocoon us from pain and sorrow. The Christian faith is about knowing a God who walks alongside us in our joys and our sorrows and who never abandons us in our need; and the Christian faith is about us walking alongside others and letting them know the reality of Christ, our crucified and risen Lord, as we seek to serve his purposes in the church and in the world.

John Patrick



Annunciation Service: There will be a sung Eucharist on Monday 4 April at 19.30 to celebrate the feast day of the Annunciation, all welcome.


The Visitor Services Department are looking to recruit a part time team member to work on the Cathedral entrance desk, Saturday 9.00am-3.00pm and every other Sunday 1.00pm-5.00pm, plus extra shifts as and when required.  The role includes welcoming visitors, administering the entrance charge and encouraging donations.  Details and an application pack can be found on the website at or contact the Visitor Services Team Leader on 01522 504392 or email vstl@lincolncathedral.comAll handwritten applications must be received by Monday 18 April 2016.


Bible Studies: A further series of Bible Studies has been arranged for the period April – July 2016. We will be studying the book Genesis. Meetings will be held at St. Anne’s House, 27 Sewell Road, Lincoln, LN2 5RY on alternate Monday evenings 7.30 – 9.00pm commencing 25th April. Leaflets setting out the programme are available on the choir aisle tables. For further information please contact Frederick Hackett (Telephone 01522 524091). Everyone is welcome.

Bob Harvey writes:  On April 6th I leave Lincoln to work in Greece as a volunteer with a locally-based group that has been providing a thousand meals every day for refugees.   You can follow my weekly blog “In Search of a Better Life,” at

I am fund-raising for additional catering equipment and kitchen running costs such as gas, etc. Contributions can be made online at

Lincoln Cathedral Connected: Planning Consultation Events:

Concerning the proposed development of the Old Deanery (30 Eastgate) and landscaping of the Dean’s Green and Minster Yard.

We hope you will join us at one of the following consultations, where you can view the proposals, ask questions and express your opinions.

Drop-in Sessions

Mon 25 to Thu 28 April 2016   11am to 2pm    Café Bar, Lincoln Drill Hall, Free School Lane, LN2 1EY

Sun 1 May 2016                       10.30am to 2pm    Chapter House, Lincoln Cathedral, LN2 1PX

Mon 2 to Fri 6 May 2016          12pm to 2pm    St James’ Chapel Morning Chapel, Lincoln Cathedral, LN2 1PX

A Presentation by the Design Team

Thurs 28 April 2016 at 7pm

Robert Hardy Lecture Theatre, Bishop Grosseteste University, LN1 3DY

Tickets are required for this free presentation, available from or 01522 504394

Organ Concerts   Tickets for the series of organ concerts are now available from our website at £6 per person.  Each concert begins at 7.00 p.m.


Saturday 14th May:                Marco lo Muscio (Rome)

Saturday 4th June:                  Nikolai Gersak (Friedrichshafen)

Saturday 11th June                 Jeffrey Makinson (Lincoln Cathedral)

Saturday 16th July                  Colin Walsh (Lincoln Cathedral)


Lecture on Friday 20th May:   Lincoln Cathedral is delighted to welcome the acclaimed author, and peer, Lord Hennessy of Nympsfield, for his lecture Writing the history of one’s own time, to be held in the Chapter House on Friday 20th May at 7.30 pm. Tickets £6 available via our website.

Lincoln 10K Race: Will be held on Sunday 17 May. Traffic Restrictions up-hill Lincoln.

Access to and parking in Minster Yard will be restricted from 10pm Saturday 16th until 2pm Sunday 17th April.  Access on foot should not be hindered – the nearest convenient car park will be Eastgate/Langworthgate.


Bible Readings


Sunday 3 April                            2nd Sunday of Easter

Mattins                                      Acts 5: 27-32,  Revelation 1: 4-8,  John 20: 19-end

Sung Eucharist                            Exodus 12: 1-13,  1 Peter 1: 3-12

Evensong                                   Genesis 3: 8-15,  Galatians 4: 1-5


Sunday 10 April                          3rd Sunday of Easter

Mattins                                      Acts 9: 1-6,  Revelation 5: 11-14,  John 21: 1-19

Sung Eucharist                            Exodus 15: 1-2, 9-18,  John 10: 1-19

Evensong                                   Isaiah 38: 9-20,  John 11: 27-44


Sunday 17 April                          4th Sunday of Easter

Sung Eucharist                            Acts 9: 36-end,  Revelation 7: 9-end,  John 10: 22-30

Mattins                                      1 Kings 17: 17-end,  Luke 7: 11-23

Evensong                                   Isaiah 63: 7-14,  Luke 24: 36-49