This year will mark the 10th anniversary of the peregrines breeding on the main tower of Lincoln Cathedral, successfully raising three young birds this year; two females and one male. Over this 10 year period, the birds have raised 27 young.

The RSPB has, on each of the 10 years, organised a watchpoint at the Cathedral, most recently on the East Green, to meet members of the public and give them the opportunity to see and learn more about these spectacular birds. This year’s event was held every Saturday and Sunday in June and July, with 25 volunteers from the Lincoln RSPB Local Group orchestrating the event and engaging with a staggering 4,168 visitors. As well as people from the local area and the rest of the United Kingdom, volunteers met tourists from around the world who were visiting the Cathedral, and some return year after year to see the birds. It has been a most enjoyable event for both visitors and the volunteers. There is a genuine ‘wow’  factor when people see the birds through the telescopes for the first time, and children in particular get very excited.

On the last weekend of the event, the Local Group celebrated the 10th anniversary of the watchpoint by gathering together and enjoying a slice of cake supplied by Curtis’s of Lincoln, on which there was an iced picture of a young peregrine to mark the occasion.

The RSPB would like to thank the Cathedral for allowing the Local Group to hold this annual event.

Alan and Chris Flintham on behalf of the Lincoln RSPB Local Group
