Mark Hocknull, Chancellor   John Patrick, Acting Dean & Subdean   Philippa White, Succentor

It is the season of Harvest Suppers and Harvest Thanksgiving Services. In Lincolnshire we are well aware of nature that surrounds us, and the cycle of the seasons. Although less people work on the land than even a few years ago we are well aware of the demands and the realities of the countryside that surrounds us. And even though crops are harvested throughout the year, and not just at the end of the summer, the celebration of harvest connects us with a genuine truth.

There is the temptation to sentimentalise rural life – especially for those who have never worked on the land, never lived in a rural environment. In many towns and cities, harvest thanksgiving often becomes the occasion for a bit of nostalgia about a rural way of life that never really existed.

But you don’t have to live long in this county to be touched by the realities of rural living. For Lincolnshire is dominated by the land and by farming. So, harvest touches a deep chord in this place. Here it is easy, under the vast skies, with the horizon extending to infinity, to experience the truth that the earth is the Lord’s and all that therein is; to feel the grandeur of God’s sustaining presence in creation and to know that everything depends upon him.

So, Harvest is here, in a way that it is not in much of the rest of the country, a genuine expression of truths about our experience. It is a time for celebration – that God in his mercy gives, ever gives, to his creation and to his people – and so it is a time for thankfulness.

But it is also a time to recollect the realities of rural life – of farmers and those who work on the land in genuine need, with little return for hard work and financial outlay, and an increasingly stressful and anxious workload. We are increasingly aware of those migrant workers on farms and in processing plants throughout our county, separated from home and family and often abused and taken advantage of by the unscrupulous. Therefore, we also remember at this time God’s call for Justice: Justice in our local communities and Justice in world trade. Christians are called to transform by love, with the grace of God, the world that he has given us to live in.

John Patrick, Acting Dean & Subdean

All Souls: All Souls’ Day is the day when the church remembers all the faithful departed. There will be free entry into the Cathedral on that day for all who wish to light a candle to remember a departed loved one, and to inscribe their name in a book to be used throughout November. If you are intending to be present at the annual requiem on Sunday 6th November at 3.45 p.m. and would like that name read out at that service, please indicate this in the memorial book. Otherwise, the name will be remembered at one of the Eucharists in November.

Micky Philp writes: If anyone wishes to donate for white chrysanthemums at All Souls’ Tide, the Flower Team would be most grateful.

Jeanette Davies writes: I shall shortly be preparing the reading rota for the next few months. If you are on the rota at present and would like to be removed, please tell me. If you would like to join the rota please let me know. We have lost a few readers so it would be good to have some more volunteers, particularly men.

26 October – Harvest Supper – the Community Association are organising a Harvest Supper on Wednesday in the Chapter House. A hot meal will be served and entertainment will be provided by members of Lincolnshire Hospitals Band. Please book this date and join us – tickets will be available at the beginning of October.

Launch of new Shop Website: The new Shop website has launched! With a variety of products available, it is even easier for you to take a little piece of the Cathedral home. Get 10% off your first purchase before midnight on Wednesday 19 October. Exclusions apply. Visit to view all products, including a range of Christmas stock. Gift wrapping available. Regular visitors can take advantage of the free ‘click and collect’ service.

Lincoln Cathedral Shop Preview Evening – Wednesday 16 November, 5.00pm
The Cathedral Shop is holding a preview evening to showcase their new range of Christmas stock. You will be entitled to 15% off all purchases when presenting your ticket. There will be performances by St Peter in Eastgate School and Lincoln Cathedral Choir during the evening. The Original Cake Company is providing samples of Christmas cake to try and buy. Visit to find out more. Tickets are free but limited. Please book on our website.

10 December – Lincoln Cathedral Music Fund are hosting a performance by the Cathedral Choristers and Thea Butterworth of Benjamin Britten’s Ceremony of Carols on Saturday 10th December 2016 in the Chapter House at 2pm in the afternoon and again in the Chapter House at 7pm in the evening. The evening performance will be followed by a Lanternlight Tour of the Cathedral. Tickets are £10 for the afternoon performance (£5 for children under 14) and £25 for the evening performance and Lanternlit Tour and will include a glass of wine and canapés. Tickets are available from the Lincoln Cathedral Box Office on 01522 561644 or

The Visitor Services Department are looking to recruit a part time team member to work on the Cathedral entrance desk, Saturday 9.00-3.00 and every other Sunday 1.00-5.00, plus extra shifts as and when required. The role includes welcoming visitors, administering the entrance charge and encouraging donations. Details and an application pack can be found on the website at or contact the Visitor Services Team Leader on 01522 504392 or email . All applications must be received by Wednesday 26 October 2016.

New Community Card Scheme: Lincoln Cathedral has launched its new Community Card scheme offering discounts and benefits to cardholders. The card is just £39.99 for a year and offers you great savings over the year. What is more, it’s a great way to support the Cathedral. Pick up a leaflet and partner list in the Cathedral or visit and click on community card or telephone the Grants & Donations Office on 01522 561614.

The Assistant Chapter Clerk writes: The Cathedral’s Consolidated Accounts and Annual Report for the year ending 31 March 2016 are available to view on the website at . You can, if required, obtain a hard copy from the Chapter Office.

Mobile Phones: If you have a working mobile phone you no longer need, Bob Harvey is the local drop-off point for the charity Side by Side Refugees. Phones provide a vital lifeline for those displaced by conflict. Bob can be contacted on 01522 520551 or mobile 07968 062767. Phones can be taken to Flat 2a, 14.

Bible Readings

Sunday 16 October    21st Sunday after Trinity
Sung Eucharist    Genesis 32: 22-31,    2 Timothy 3: 14-4.5,    Luke 18: 1-8
Mattins    Isaiah 54: 1-14,    Luke 13: 31-end
Evensong    Nehemiah 8: 9-end,    John 16: 1-11

Sunday 23 October    Last Sunday after Trinity
Sung Eucharist    Ecclesiasticus 35:12-17,    2 Timothy 4: 6-8,    16-18, Luke 18: 9-14
Mattins    Isaiah 59: 9-20,    Luke 14: 1-14
Evensong    Ecclesiastes 11, 12,    2 Timothy 2:1-7

Sunday 30 October     All Saints’ Day
Sung Eucharist    Daniel 7:1-3,   15-18,    Ephesians 1: 11-end,    Luke 6:20-31
Mattins    Isaiah 35: 1-9,    Luke 9:18-27
Evensong    Isaiah 65:17-end,    Hebrews 11:32-12.2