Christine Wilson, Dean   Mark Hocknull, Chancellor   John Patrick, Subdean
Philippa White, Succentor

“The Christian shoemaker does his or her duty not by putting little crosses on the shoes, but by making good shoes, because God is interested in good craftsmanship.”

So said the Church Reformer Martin Luther. 2017 will see the 500th anniversary of the event often seen as the symbolic beginning of the Reformation when Luther nailed his 95 theses to the church door at the Castle church in Wittenberg on October 31st 1517. Historians challenge the authenticity of this event, but that seems unimportant to me. Luther sent his 95 Theses to a few bishops and some friends; so he can’t have expected or received a prompt response. By the end of 1517, however, copies of the 95 Theses had been printed in Leipzig, Nuremberg and Basel. Some humanists and princes passionately approved of the theses, but parts of the Roman Church completely rejected them. Luther’s document, more formally known as the Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences, set in motion one of the most momentous intellectual upheavals in human history. Luther may have intended to spark only an internal debate within the medieval church seeking a global change in practice. He ended up dividing Europe along confessional lines for centuries but paving the way for unprecedented intellectual, social and political changes. After all of the events of last year, I wonder if we are on the verge of major social and political changes in 2017.

I love the little saying of Luther I began with because it gets to the heart of his understanding of vocation. And that is, quite simply, that God can – and does! – use any and all of us to make this world a more trust-worthy place.

In Luther’s medieval world, there were various orders of – and values assigned to – labour, and those who worked for the church – nuns, monks, priests – were viewed as doing “better” or more spiritual work. Luther, however, believed that God calls all Christians to care for the world God loves so much and for this reason all labour done with care and with a regard for the neighbour is of equal value and, indeed, pleasing to God. In fact, the word vocation stems from the Latin verb vocare – to call. We all, Luther believed, are called by God to care for neighbour and world and anything we do toward that end – whether it is for pay or as a volunteer, prestigious or unnoticed, in a “helping profession” or not – is holy work. Which means that 2017, will give each and all of us manifold opportunities to show our devotion to God by caring for our neighbour and the world by doing whatever work is in front of us with care. Whatever events unfold to us in the coming year, we can be absolutely certain of God’s call to each one of us and his promise to be with us throughout it all. Blessed New Year!

Mark Hocknull, Chancellor

From City of Lincoln Council: “For your information Castle Hill car park will be closed on Wednesday 18th January 2017 as it has been hired by the University for its Graduation day. Works will also be done on Westgate 1 and Westgate 3 car park from Monday 6th February until Friday 24th February 2017. This will involve tree felling, removing tree stumps and tarmacking. A maximum of 9 spaces will be fenced off on Westgate 1 but Westgate 3 (the small car park on the corner of Westgate and Union Road) will be closed for the whole 3 weeks.”

Antic Disposition presents HENRY V by William Shakespeare, Monday 13 – Tuesday 14 February 2017 at 7.30pm – Marking the centenary of the First World War, award-winning theatre company Antic Disposition present their critically acclaimed adaptation of Shakespeare’s Henry V in Lincoln Cathedral for two special performances. Performed by a talented cast of British and French actors, this uplifting production celebrates the rich historical relationship between our two nations – from the Hundred Years War to the Entente Cordiale. Tickets: £25-£35 (Under 18s £10 off). Box Office: 0333 666 3366. Book online:

Bible Studies Series – starting on Monday 9th January 2017. A series of Bible Studies is planned for the new year. Meetings will be held at St. Anne’s House, 27 Sewell Road, Lincoln, LN2 5RY from 7.30 – 9.00pm on alternate Monday
evenings. Leaflets setting out the programme are available on the choir aisle tables. For further details please contact Frederick Hackett Tel; (01522 524091). Everyone is welcome.

Shrove Tuesday Social – 28th February 2017- You are cordially invited to this year’s Shrove Tuesday Social Evening, organised by your LCCA Committee. Please make a note in your diary for 28th February 2017 at 7.00 p.m. We have booked the Chapter House and are currently finalising the menu and entertainment for the evening. Pancakes with some really nice sauce are included. Further details will follow in early February as arrangements are confirmed.

St. John Passion by J.S. Bach performed by Lincoln Cathedral Choir, Saturday 1 April 2017. Tickets for this event are on sale now and are available from or the Cathedral Shop.

Jekyll and Hyde: The Musical, Tuesday 22 August to Friday 1 September (no performance on Sunday 27 August). Tickets will be available to purchase from Tuesday 14 February 2017 via

Charter of the Forest Dinner, Friday 22 September. Bookings will open in Spring 2017. Corporate and private sponsorship packages are available to book now. For further information on sponsorship opportunities please contact Alex Schimmel

The Subdean writes: For those seeking to be confirmed this Easter please be in touch on to discuss details.

The Dean’s Verger writes: It came as such a surprise nay, shock, there I was a slice of toast in one hand and an envelope in the other; On Her Majesty’s Service thinking it a summons to jury duty! The invitation to accept an award in the New Year’s Honours list was a humbling experience [who could have made the nomination?] a more humbling experience has been the flood of; emails, cards and letters of congratulations from people of all stages of my life, not least members of the congregation here at the Cathedral. In the same vein my thanks to all are humble but heartfelt; I will wear my British Empire Medal with humility and a touch of pride.
Thank you from Trevor Bowden. Trevor would like to thank everyone for their prayers, thoughts and messages of condolence and sympathy following the untimely death of Maureen. Trevor and family are most grateful for all the support they have received at this very sad time.

Painter/Decorator – Lincoln Cathedral is looking for a qualified and experienced painter/decorator to work alongside our joinery team on the historic Close properties. This is a permanent position. We would love to hear from you if you have: A relevant trade qualification, Meaningful and demonstrable practical experience in a commercial and heritage environment, A good understanding of current H&S practices, Good communication skills, The ability to work on scaffolded sites, CSCS card. Full-time 38.75 hours per week Monday to Friday. Salary £ 22,000 per annum.
To download the job information and application form please visit: or email for an application pack; or ring 01522 561616 for a pack to be sent out by post. Closing date Friday 20th January 2017; Interviews will take place on Wednesday 1st February 2017.

Bible Readings

Sunday 8 January  Epiphany
Sung Eucharist    Isaiah 60.1-6;   Eph 3: 1-12 Matthew 2.1-12
Mattins    Jeremiah 31:7-14;   John 1: 29-34
Evening Prayer    Joshua 60:1-9;   Heb 1: 1-12

Sunday 15 January  2nd Sunday of Epiphany
Sung Eucharist    Isaiah 49.1-7;   Psalm 40.1-12;   1 Corinthians 1.1-9;   John 1.29-42
Mattins    Psalm 145.1-12;   Jeremiah 1.4-10;   Mark 1.14-20
Evensong    Psalm 96;   Ezekiel 2.1–3.4;   Galatians 1.11-end;   HC John 1.43-end

Sunday 22 January  3rd Sunday of Epiphany
Sung Eucharist    Isaiah 9.1-4;   Psalm 27.1,4-12;   1 Corinthians 1.10-18;   Matthew 4.12-23
Mattins    Psalm 113;   Amos 3.1-8;   1 John 1.1-4
Evensong    Psalm 33;   Ecclesiastes 3.1-11;   1 Peter 1.3-12;   HC Luke 4.14-21