Christine Wilson, Dean    Mark Hocknull, Chancellor    John Patrick, Subdean
Philippa White, Succentor




How are you getting ready for Lent?
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday March 1st with special services in the cathedral. This is the day Christian pilgrims are marked with the sign of the cross in ash upon their foreheads. It starts the beginning of a 40-day journey of self examination which includes penitence and a renewed commitment to Christ which we affirm with the renewal of our baptismal vows at Easter. The intention is to prepare ourselves for the celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ which comes to a climax during Holy Week and Easter. Taken seriously it can be a fruitful and revitalising experience that leads to the re-orientating of our lives as we turn or return to Christ.

Traditionally Lent is marked with study, fasting, prayer and almsgiving. As part of stripping away the clutter and allowing ourselves to focus on our spiritual health, abstinence is a way of simplifying our lives. Likewise doing something for others or giving away some of our possessions can be part of this “spiritual detox” and an expression of alms-giving. There is a good discipline in taking something up that is life-giving to others rather than giving up favourite personal treats. Our worship is also simplified and appears more stark and stripped of embellishment. There is no singing of the Gloria or Alleluias, no flowers and a more subdued hymnody.

During Lent candidates for Confirmation and Baptism are prepared for initiation at Easter and in times past those who had been excommunicated because of grave sins undertook penance in order to be received back into the church on Easter day. The serious observance of a Holy Lent can lead to a greater sense of joy and a deeper experience of forgiveness and new life when after the 40 days the Easter feast is celebrated with great exuberance.

Ash Wednesday is fast approaching and now is the time to be prayerfully considering how we might observe a Holy Lent. Here are a few suggestions:

 Bishop Christopher is encouraging the diocese to use the Lent Study Course prepared by USPG entitled “Living an authentic life.” Details are on the diocesan website.

 Canon Dr Mark Hocknull, our Chancellor will be giving a series of Lent addresses at Evensong each Sunday at 3.45pm.

 If you are looking for ways to give to the needy then The Compassionate Lincoln website, the Community Larder and the homeless charity The Nomad Trust are all local to us.

 The Hacketts’ Bible study continues, meeting at St Anne’s House, 27 Sewell Road at 7.30 pm. Dates in Lent: 6th March – John 5, 20th March – John 6, 3rd April – John 7

 faith@lincolncathedral continues, facilitated by John Davies and meeting at The Dell, 28 Wragby Road at 7.30 pm. Dates in Lent: Weds 8th March – topic “Is the Bible a single story?”

Christine Wilson, Dean

From City of Lincoln Council: “For your information” Works will continue on Westgate 1 and Westgate 3 car park from until Friday 24th February 2017. This will involve tree felling, removing tree stumps and tarmacking. A maximum of 9 spaces will be fenced off on Westgate 1 but Westgate 3 (the small car park on the corner of Westgate and Union Road) will be closed.

Restore – Do you have any unwanted, good quality, furniture? In 2016 the Restore team visited over 100 households in Lincoln and delivered 677 items of donated furniture to local people unable to afford basic furniture. Every item delivered has helped turned an empty house into a home and they are in desperate need of more furniture donations. Restore can collect items within a 10 mile radius of their warehouse and are especially in need of single/double beds and mattresses, chests of drawers and wardrobes, washing machines and fridge/freezers, but will accept a wider range of furniture. To arrange for collection call 01522 542166.

LCCA Spring Walk – Bluebell Wood – This year’s Spring Walk will be to Legbourne Wood which has an attractive display of Bluebells. The Walk starts at Legbourne Picnic site near Louth with good parking & toilet facilities. There will be a morning walk of 5 miles, then lunch at the Royal Oak, in the charming village of Little Cawthorpe, and a 2 mile short walk back to the cars. The terrain is fairly flat. Other points of interest are the converted windmill and abbey ruins. Proposed dates are Saturday 22nd or 29th April 2017. Additional details are on the Notice Board. Would interested walkers please add your names on the Notice Board. Transport / car sharing will be available.

The Subdean writes: For those seeking to be confirmed this Easter please be in touch on to discuss details.

Shrove Tuesday Social – Tickets now available – 28th February 2017– You are cordially invited to this year’s Shrove Tuesday Social Evening, organised by your LCCA Committee. Tickets are now available from Committee members for the Social Evening on Tuesday 28th February 2017 at 7.00 pm in the Chapter House. The Committee has reluctantly had to raise ticket prices to £9 to cover increased costs. Supper will comprise jacket potato with mild chilli or cheese, plus salad, and pancakes with special sauce for dessert. Musical entertainment is also included.

Passiontide Concert, Saturday 1 April 2017 at 7pm. Join the Lincoln Cathedral Choir as they perform St. John Passion by Johann Sebastian Bach in the Nave. This masterpiece is the older of two surviving Passions by Bach. Compared with the St. Matthew Passion, the St. John Passion has been described as more extravagant, with an expressive immediacy, at times raw and unbridled. Tickets from £8 on sale now

Jekyll & Hyde: The Musical, Tuesday 22 August to Friday 1 September 2017. Theatre in the Nave is back with this epic piece of musical theatre. Jekyll & Hyde explores questions of good and evil, of redemption and punishment. The company, made completely of volunteers, has blown audiences away for two years running with the breath-taking performances they have given. Tickets go on sale Tuesday 14 February 2017. To buy tickets visit

Hallé Orchestra, Saturday 9 September 2017 at 7pm, please note that the date has changed from 8 September. We are pleased to welcome back to the Cathedral for the eighth consecutive year the prestigious Hallé Orchestra. This year the Orchestra will be conducted by Ryan Wigglesworth with the following programme; Strauss: Four Last Songs and Bruckner: Symphony No.9. Tickets go on sale in spring 2017.

Charter of the Forest Dinner, Friday 22 September 2017. 2017 marks the 800th anniversary of the Charter of the Forest. Celebrate the sealing of this historic document by attending a special dinner for 800, set within the Nave of the Cathedral. Tickets go on sale in spring 2017.

The Retired Volunteers and Staff Group – We start with coffee at about 10.15. New members are always welcome or join us on a more casual basis for £2.00 a visit. On 9th March, the Dean has kindly offered to have us at the Deanery for our meeting, as we are unable to meet at the Cathedral Centre, so we will be looking forward to that and the speaker for that day will be Ruth Andrews ‘Weird and Wonderful’. If you would like more details, please get in touch: or Rita Simpson on 01522 685884.

Bible Readings

Sunday 19th February    2nd Sunday before Lent
Sung Eucharist    Genesis 1.1-2.3;   Psalm 136.1-9, 23-end;   Romans 8.18-25;   Matthew 6.25-end
Mattins    Psalm 100, 150;   Job 38.1-21;   Colossians 1.15-20
Evensong    Psalm 148;   Proverbs 8.1, 22-31;   Revelation 4

Sunday 26th February    Sunday next before Lent
Sung Eucharist    Exodus 24.12-end;   Psalm 2;   2 Peter 1.16-end;   Matthew 17.1-9
Mattins    Psalm 72;   Exodus 34.29-end;   2 Corinthians 4.3-6
Evensong    Psalm 84;   Ecclesiasticus 48.1-10;   Matthew 17.9-23

Sunday 05th March    1st Sunday of Lent
Sung Eucharist    Genesis 2.15-17, 3.1-7;   Psalm 32;   Romans 5.12-19;   Matthew 4.1-11
Mattins    Psalm 119.1-16;   Jeremiah 18.1-11;   Luke 18.9-14
Evening Prayer    Psalm 50.1-15;   Deuteronomy 6.4-9,   16-end;   Luke 15.1-10