One Easter spring morning I came across a clump of beautiful daffodils bursting through the middle of a path of newly laid tarmac. It had forced its way through, in an act of pure rebellion against death and destruction. It was a tangible tribute to the sheer determination to live and flourish against all the odds!

Easter declares the power of God’s love to overcome and transform even the very worst and darkest aspects of humanity. The Resurrection is an act of defiance against all that would diminish human flourishing or seek to suppress God’s ongoing blessing of the world.

We hear it in the courageous words of the survivors of acts of terror, in the persistence of the peacemakers and in candlelit vigils silently resisting any moves towards retaliation.

Good Friday bears witness to our human capacity to inflict cruel acts of violence and hatred. The empty tomb reveals that love cannot be extinguished. Love wins.

In our own lives we enact little resurrection moments when we fiercely and courageously refuse to allow evil to have the last word, when we choose the way of Christ and reject all attempts to diminish the capacity of love.

The first disciples of Jesus were living witnesses to the power of Christ’s risen presence flooding their lives with joy and wonder. That hope and new life is still part of the genuine heartfelt experience of Christians more than 2000 years on.

It is the reason for our joyful celebrations. Good News which we delight to share with our communities.

As we light the Easter candle and ring out the bells again this year we declare our jubilant message of faith, hope and love. Christ is risen, despair has been replaced with hope, the power of reconciliation has won for us all newness of life and God’s love continues to be poured out upon us.


We celebrate Easter for fifty days!  All are welcome to come and join us.

On behalf of the whole community at Lincoln Cathedral I wish you a joyful Easter.


The Very Reverend Christine Wilson

Dean of Lincoln