Christine Wilson, Dean   John Patrick, Subdean   Philippa White, Succentor

As the Election campaign continues apace we hear a great deal about how prospective governments and political parties will use the (limited) resources that are at their disposal. We hear a great deal about spending money on the NHS, education, social care and so forth and then how that spending shall be funded in additional taxes or borrowing. Whilst I’m concerned about the outcome of the election and who will be governing for the next five years, I trust that pray that whoever takes up the reins of power will govern wisely and well seeking to serve the many and not the few and that the negotiations with Brussels over Brexit will be conducted (on both sides) with a concern for the greater good of all people across Europe.

All this is taking place whilst the Church of God celebrates our Lord’s Ascension and the sending of God’s Holy Spirit at Pentecost; and when we are reminded anew that the Spirit comes to us as it wills in different ways and forms and that our response to the Spirit is equally unique and special. Unique and special but with the one purpose, that with one voice, we may as one, reveal God’s love to and for the world.

Those gifts of the Spirit are there to be used in Christ’s work within this cathedral and across our nation. May we seek to use those gifts the Spirit of God has given to us, and that our lives become a response of thanksgiving in what we say and do and that this becomes evident in the manner in which we live out our Christian lives. “For when anyone is united with Christ there is a new world; the old order has gone, and a new order has already begun” (II Corinthians 5.17).

John Patrick, Subdean

Political Hustings. Wednesday 31 May – 7:30pm in the Chapter House. Lincoln Cathedral are excited to hold a Political Hustings for all 7 local candidates in the General Election. Hosted by the Dean of Lincoln Cathedral, this event will be held in the Chapter House which is where parliament once took place between the years 1200 and 1235. The event is free and we welcome questions from the public prior to the event. If you wish to submit a question please email Zara Desai on

A member of the LCCA Executive Committee writes: Tickets are now available for the Lincoln Cathedral Community Association Summer Tea Party in the Cloisters at 4-30p.m. Sunday 4th June. Tickets are priced at £2.50 – tea and coffee provided. Bring and Share Picnic style. Please bring a cake or a savoury to share. Glasses provided for those who bring wine. Tickets from Committee Members or the Cathedral Shop.

Lincoln Theological Society: Thursday 8 June, 7.00 for 7.30 in the Robert Hardy Lecture Theatre at Bishop Grosseteste University, Longdales Road, Lincoln ‘What was the Reformation? A possible Biblical Solution’ an open lecture by Dr Jack Cunningham. Tickets including wine and parking, £5.00 from the Cathedral Shop, after 9.30am service or on the door.

2017 Lecture Series. Wednesday 28 June – The Reverend Canon Dr Mark Hocknull Jekyll & Hyde Lecture. 7:30pm in the Chapter House. The Civilised and The Savage: What Victorians Thought about Human Nature. This lecture will draw on sources from the 19th century to reveal the ideas of civilisation and humanity that lie behind Stevenson’s tale. It will explore the tale of the teenage Jemmy Button, who was ‘civilized’ and returned to his native land as a Christian missionary. Both Jekyll & Hyde lectures will feature extracts from the Theatre in the Nave production.

2017 Lecture Series. Wednesday 5 July – The Reverend Canon Dr Mark Hocknull Jekyll & Hyde Lecture. 7:30pm in the Chapter House. Redeeming Mr Hyde: The Battle Between Good & Evil in us all. Stevenson grew up in Edinburgh, in the 19th century a profoundly serious and Calvinist city. His father was an engineer and his mother came from a long line of Scottish Presbyterian ministers. These twin influences of science and faith are very clear in the book and this lecture will explore the theology & science that lies behind Stevenson’s story. Both Jekyll & Hyde lectures will feature extracts from the Theatre in the Nave production. For further information and tickets please visit Tickets are priced at £6 per person.

Jekyll and Hyde: The Musical. Tuesday 22 August – Friday 1 September. 7pm in the Nave. When the Cathedral announced the follow up production to Jesus Christ Superstar was to be Jekyll and Hyde, more than a few eyebrows were raised. It was a bold choice perhaps, but absolutely in keeping with the Cathedral’s Christian purpose. Jekyll’s division of himself has a great deal in common with the apostle Paul’s description of the split in his own personality which Paul believes is common to us all. We have limited tickets available – please visit for further details. Tickets start from £22 per person.

Heritage Craft Skills Festival 23-24 June 2017, Calling all Volunteers – your help is needed during the Heritage Craft Skills Festival taking place over the 23rd & 24th June 2017. Volunteers are needed to help with the external set up/breaking down and general stewarding around the East Green and external areas of the Cathedral over this exciting weekend. If you are able to help, contact Penny Forsdyke , 01522 533757, or Rachel Woodward, Volunteer & HR Officer Telephone 01522 561618

Cathedral Choir – The Director of Music, Aric Prentice is looking for volunteers to drive the Cathedral Choristers Minibus at the following times; 8.30-9.30am on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings – 3.15-4.30pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons. The minibus can be driven on a regular driving licence and any potential drivers must be willing to undertake an enhanced DBS check. For insurance purposes volunteer drivers would also need to be under the age of 70. If you would be willing to help or would like to discuss the role, please contact Rachel Woodward, Volunteer & HR Officer, Telephone: 01522 561618

Mrs Christine Talbot, Chairman of the Lincoln Area Committee of The Fabric Fund Council writes: We are organising “A Strawberry & Champagne” Evening in the Subdean’s Garden by kind permission of the Revd Canon John and Mrs Patrick on the evening of Friday 14th July 2017 from 6pm to 8pm. Tickets priced at £10 per person are available from Mrs Christine Talbot either after coffee in the Chapter House at the Sunday 9.30am Sung Eucharist, or alternatively telephone 01522 790691 to reserve your ticket(s).

Bible Readings

Sunday 28 May   7th Sunday of Easter
Sung Eucharist    Acts 1.6-14;  1 Peter 4.12-14;  5.6-11;  John 17.1-11
Mattins     Isaiah 65.17-end;  Revelation 21.1-8
Evensong    2 Samuel 23.1-5;  Ephesians 1.15-end

Sunday 4 June   Pentecost
Sung Eucharist    Acts 2.1-21;  1 Corinthians 12.3b-13; John 20.19-23
Mattins    Genesis 11.1-9;  Acts 10.34-end
Evensong    Joel 2.21-end;  Acts 2.14-21

Sunday 11 June   Trinity Sunday
Sung Eucharist    Isaiah 40.12-17, 27-end;  2 Corinthians 13.11-end;  Matthew 28.16-end
Mattins    Exodus 3.1-6, 13-15;  John 17.1-11
Evensong    Isaiah 6.1-8;  John 16.5-15