This Chapter Letter coincides with the beginning of Passiontide in the church’s year.

Our liturgies in the last weeks have focused the characteristic Lenten themes of self-examination and penitence. As we have made our way through this solemn season, the Gloria has given way to the Kyrie Eleison as we ask God’s mercy for the sins we commit daily. There have been no Alleluias. Our creed, paraphrasing the famous passage from St Paul’s letter to the Philippians in which he describes Christ’s emptying of himself and his acceptance of death on the cross for our sake, has further focused our thoughts on the immensity of God’s love for us and the extent of his sacrifice in order that we might be able to find a way back to a full and restored relationship with him.

The journey continues for us as we make our way ever closer to the Cross and prepare ourselves to enter into the solemn remembrance of our Lord’s death and passion, again through participation in our liturgies and through a continuing commitment to honest reflection on our life as a disciple of Jesus.

I have written what follows elsewhere this month, but it bears repeating! Many would attest to their faith being transformed and strengthened by the impact of the church’s liturgy during Holy Week. Do plan to come along to at least one extra service this year during Holy Week. There are special services on each day of Holy Week but if you don’t normally come at all during the week, come to church on Good Friday. If you regularly come on Good Friday, come too on Maundy Thursday at the start of the “Triduum” – the “Great Three Days”.

Sal McDougall, Precentor


Help please! Would anyone be available to help with the annual palm cross production line? All offers of assistance gratefully received any time between 10.00 and 12.00 on Wednesday 21 March in the Verger’ Office. Tea and biscuits included.

The Tower Guides Team is looking to recruit new volunteers for the 2018 season: If you are physically fit and think you would like meeting our visitors, introducing them to Great Tom and to the unrivalled views to be had from the central tower, please contact the Visitor Services Team; or 01522 561600.

Children in Church: We are delighted in the increasing number of families and young children joining us for worship on Sunday at the 9.30 Eucharist. In light of this we are experimenting the seating arrangements for Sunday School children and their families. We will remove a few chairs near the North gate/curtain in St Hugh’s Quire so we can accommodate two or three pushchairs just inside the curtain. The reserved seats will be labelled either ‘Pushchair users’ or ‘Sunday School’ and we hope by making a bit more space for the very young children and Sunday School children we will create a more welcoming atmosphere at this service. Please join us in welcoming both regular and new families to the Cathedral.

Pastoral Care: One of the things Jesus calls all his followers to do is love one another, and look after those who are in need. As Christians we are called to care for those who are alone or lonely, sick or housebound. At the cathedral, a group of volunteers has responded to this call by training to be authorised pastoral visitors, this means that they are able to visit and accompany those who are struggling with illness, infirmity, age or loneliness. Of course, this kind of visiting has always been part of the ministry of members of the cathedral community. However, by training and authorising our group, we have been able to make it an official part of the cathedral’s ministry – so visits will not just be from individuals, but from people representing the cathedral. If you are someone who would benefit from this kind of companionship and support, or you know of someone from within the cathedral community who would, please get in touch with the Subdean ( or the Dean’s Verger ( 561638). They will organise someone from the pastoral visiting team to give you a call.

Spiritual Classics Reading Group: The Chancellor invites members of the cathedral community to join a reading group which will explore some spiritual classics, both ancient and contemporary. We will look at a book each month (about 9 books a year), and meet towards the end of the month to share reflections together. The book for the April meeting will be the ‘Confessions’ of Saint Augustine. The bookshop will have copies for sale, or there are some free versions are online. Having read the book privately, we shall meet on Saturday 28th April, 10:45-12:15, to discuss it (followed by a midday Eucharist, for those who wish).

Lent Sermon Series, online: The texts of the Chancellor’s lent sermon series are now available online at

St Matthew Passion, Saturday 24 March 2018. 6:30pm in the Nave: The Choir of Lincoln Cathedral and the Lincoln Choral Society and several other guest choirs will perform J.S. Bach St Matthew Passion. Tickets range from £5 – £50, some tickets include the opportunity to have a private drinks and canapé reception in the Chapter House before the concert which is accompanied by a talk from the Director of Music and Mark Wilde. Tickets available on the Cathedral website and from the shop Tel: 01522 561644.

The Good Friday Meditations – Moods of Prayer and the Passion: The meditations on Good Friday are being led by The Chancellor. The meditations follow music and readings which begin each half hour with the following themes
12.00) Jesus’s Lament over Jerusalem (Matthew 23:37- 39) – Prayer and Lament
12.30) The Anointing at Bethany (Mark 14:1-9) – Loving Devotion
13.00) The Passover with the Disciples (Mark 14:12-25) – Eucharistic Life
13.30) Jesus Prays in Gethsemane (Mark 14:32-42) – Prayer of Self-Abandonment
14.00) Peter’s Denial (Mark 14:27-31; 66-72) – Prayer and Witness
14.30) The Death and Burial of Jesus (Mark 15:33-47) – Prayer and Relationships

Messy Cathedral Easter – Tuesday 3rd April- Messy Cathedral returns for Easter on Tuesday April 3rd. We will be celebrating Easter with a morning of craft and Messy Science activities, a celebration and lunch, telling the story of Easter and the good news of the Resurrection and sharing the joy of the Easter feast. Messy Cathedral is church for the whole family, with craft activities particularly aimed at primary school aged children: so please come along and bring your children, grandchildren, godchildren, nieces and nephews – and let your friends know! If anyone would like to help out on the day or by helping to prepare beforehand, that would be brilliant (if you don’t have under-11s to bring, that would be the best way to enjoy the day!) Please contact the Succentor ( / 01522 567004).

RAF Centenary Dinner Friday 10 August 2018. 7pm in the Nave. A black tie dinner in the Nave to mark the RAF centenary, the dinner will be a fundraising event with a percentage of all ticket sales going to an RAF charity. Tickets and booking forms will be released on 26 March on the Cathedral website

2018 Organ Recital Series. Saturday 5 May – Saturday 29 September. 7pm in the Nave. We are excited to announce our 2018 Organ Recital Series with performances from both local and international organists: 5 May- James O’Donnell (Westminster Abbey), 19 May- Jeffrey Makinson (Lincoln Cathedral), 9 June- Franz Hauk (Ingolstadt, Germany), 23 June- Colin Walsh (Lincoln Cathedral), 7 July- Jan Vermeire (Dunkerque, France), 21 July- Philip Rushforth (Chester Cathedral), 8 September- Wolfgang Kleiber (Darmstadt, Germany), 29 September, James Lancelot (Emeritus, Durham Cathedral). For further information on the programmes or to purchase tickets please visit Tickets are priced at £6 per person.

Bible Readings
Sunday 18 March 5th Sunday of Lent
Sung Eucharist Jeremiah 31.31-34; Hebrews 5.5-10; John 12.20-33
Mattins Exodus 24.3-8; Hebrews 12.18-End
Evensong Exodus 7.8-24; Romans 5.12-End
Sunday 25 March Palm Sunday
Sung Eucharist Isaiah 50: 4-9a; Philippians 2: 5-11; Mark 14:1-end of 15
Evensong Isaiah 5.1-7; Mark 12.1-12
Sunday 1 April Easter Sunday
Sung Eucharist Acts 10: 34-43; 1 Corinthians 15: 1-11; Mark 16: 1-8
Evensong Ezekiel 37.1-14; Luke 24.13-35