After the success of our wildly popular teacher training day earlier this year, we (the Lincoln Cathedral Education team) recently hosted another free training session to help teachers and school children develop an understanding of their local heritage and its significance alongside Historic England.

The practical session, which took place on 7th June, gave teachers the chance to explore the history of the area using maps and aerial photographs of Lincoln from its archives.

The programme, facilitated by Historic England, has been running since September 2012 in eight regions across England and since April 2015 the opportunity is being offered to all state schools, both primary and secondary.

After the popularity of our last training day with Historic England and the multitude of requests we received for another one, we were really pleased to be able to host another session. We are also planning another one in the autumn term, so any teachers who couldn’t make this event can look forward to one later in the year as well.

Lincoln Cathedral and the city itself has so much history and we have developed many school resources specific to the Lincoln area tailored to the new history curriculum. These sessions are the perfect opportunity for us to give educators the tools to enable them to carry out enquiry-based learning activities based around a local heritage site.

The event is fully funded by the Heritage Schools Programme and is free to teachers and students from all Lincolnshire schools. In addition, state schools can claim a contribution of £75 towards the cost of cover for one teacher, who will receive a free teaching pack of maps and photos, a ‘how to’ guide, access to hundreds of free resources from a member only website and a downloadable timeline on Lincoln.

The sessions also provide the opportunity to find out more about the exciting future for school visits at Lincoln Cathedral once the new learning centre is developed as part of the Connected project works.

Lincoln Cathedral Connected is a Heritage Lottery Fund-backed project to improve the Cathedral’s setting and visitor experience through ambitious restorations and renovations. These works will protect the Cathedral and create new spaces for all visitors to enjoy. As well as these works, Connected aims to engage people in the Cathedral’s past, archaeology and architecture through activities and events that educate, inspire and inform.

To register your interest for future training sessions, please email