November is a month when we do a great deal of remembering. First the Church’s calendar brings us All Saints, when we remember and celebrate the heroes of the Christian faith, great and small, in whose lives God’s glory shone visibly. Then at All Souls, in a more local and personal way, we remember those who have died, especially those dear to us: relatives, friends or neighbours. Remembrance Sunday is another occasion for remembering the departed, specifically those who gave their lives in war – we promise during the ceremony that ‘we will remember them’.

Remembering in general is a vitally important thing: we need to remember in order to have a sense of identity, to know who we are and where we have come from. It’s hard to imagine what life would be like if we could remember nothing, and if we had to live from moment to moment without being able to draw on what we have learned from past experiences. All of us know how frustrating it is when our memories let us down even in a small way; we feel quite powerless, and feel that somehow we are losing our grip. And those of us who have a relative or friend whose memory is seriously failing know how distressing that can be: without the ability to remember, we would all be stuck forever in the present.

The only trouble is that we need to ensure that are memories do not become too selective, as individuals and as groups. Memories that are partial, that remember only half the truth, can be very dangerous. We see this most obviously and tragically in areas of conflict – but the danger is there for us all. If we let our identity today be shaped by a remembering which is partial, limited or distorted, then we ourselves will become limited or distorted.

To avoid this we need our partial memories be opened up, widened and deepened, challenged by something (or someone) more profound and more true. For Christians we believe that this is something that happens constantly, by the grace of God, as we encounter Jesus Christ. An encounter that takes place in prayer, in reading the Bible, in coming together for worship, above all when we celebrate the Eucharist, following our Lord’s command to ‘do this is memory of me’. In this, we are involved in an act of remembering which is so much older and deeper than our individual memories, which takes us right to the heart of the Christian faith. The self-giving love of Jesus is not simply something that happens once in the past; it is present with us as we share together in the bread and the wine, and it feeds us and prepares us for an exciting future.

John Patrick, Subdean


Commemoration of the Faithful Departed, All Souls Day, Friday 2 November 2018: Entry to Lincoln Cathedral will be free to all visitors on the Feast of All Souls – this gives the people of Lincoln an opportunity to remember and reflect on those who they may have lost in the past year – all Communion services this day will be requiems for the departed. Names to be included in this year’s act of remembrance on All Souls Day may be added to the lists situated on the Choir Gate Tables and at the Vergers Vestry, names may also be emailed to

Important message from the Chapter Office: If members of the Cathedral Community have not yet completed the Community Roll form please could they do so by Monday 5 November. The information is required for the triennial update of the community roll. Forms can be collected from the Vergers or the Chapter Office.

Spiritual Classics Reading Group: The next meeting is on Saturday 24 November, and we shall be considering, Falling Upward, by the Franciscan, Richard Rohr (SPCK, 2012), on spirituality in the second half of life. The next date is 12 January 2019, A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life by William Law (1728, some versions adjust the title). Both are available in the Cathedral Shop, though William Law can also be found online. Anyone is welcome to join us; there is no commitment to read every book. Please drop in when a book catches your interest and you have time to read it.

Stillpoint Contemplative Prayer: 45 minutes of guided silent prayer in the Ringers’ Chapel, Lincoln Cathedral, Saturday mornings, 9.30 am -10.15 am (followed by refreshments, if you wish to join us), 27 October, and then 24 November 2018.

Lincoln Cathedral Community Association Annual General Meeting will be held in the Cathedral Centre on 5 November 2018 at 7.30 p.m. Tea/Coffee will be available from 7.00 p.m. At the end of the business meeting the Revd Canon Paul Overend, Chancellor, will share with us his thoughts on his first year here at Lincoln Cathedral. Nomination Forms for election of Lay Vice Chair and Committee Members are available from Mrs June Pallister, Secretary LCCA Executive Committee. Completed Nomination Forms should be returned to the Secretary by October 29 2018.

The Association of Friends will be holding their Annual Tea Time talks at the Cathedral Centre on the 6 and 13 November 2018. On the 6th, Margaret Crompton will talk about Anne Askew- a story of the brave Lincolnshire woman who, in 1545, read the Great Bible in Lincoln Cathedral, illegally! On the 13th Toni Watts will enlighten us on her work as an Illustrator. Join us at 3.00 pm for Tea/Coffee & Biscuits followed by the talk. Price £3.  All welcome!

Handel’s Messiah. Saturday 24 November. 7.00 pm in the Nave: The Lincoln Cathedral Choir is returning with their performance of this incredible piece of music, accompanied by the Lincoln Chamber Orchestra. Tickets are priced from £18 per person. For further information please visit

Ceremony of Carols: Saturday 15 December. 2.00 pm and 7.00 pm performances in the Chapter House. A seasonal favourite as the Cathedral Choir performs Benjamin Britten’s Ceremony of Carols, with Thea Butterworth as harpist under the direction of Jeffrey Makinson. Performances are at 2.00 pm and 7.00 pm. Tickets for the 2.00 pm performance are £10 adults and £5 for children under 14. Tickets for the 7.00 pm performance are £25 and include drinks, canapés and a lantern light tour of the Cathedral. Tickets can be purchased from the Cathedral Shop – 01522 561644. For further information please visit

La Nativité du Seigneur. Sunday 16 December. 7.00 pm in the Nave. The annual performance of La Nativité du Seigneur returns on Sunday 10 December 2017 , played on the world renowned Father Willis Organ and performed by Lincoln Cathedral’s own Organist Laureate, Colin Walsh. La Nativité du Seigneur is a Christmas tradition at Lincoln Cathedral, and one not to be missed. Tickets are priced at £6 per person.

New Volunteer Co-ordinator: Claire Taylor has joined the Cathedral in the new role of Volunteer Co-ordinator. Claire’s role will include supporting our current volunteers (of which there are roughly 600!), and recruiting new volunteers. Any current or future volunteers are encouraged to contact Claire directly at or on 01522 504399.


Bible Readings

Sunday 28 October
Simon and Jude, Apostles

Sung Eucharist
Isaiah 28: 14-16; Ephesians 2: 19-end; John 15: 17-end
Isaiah 45 18-end; Luke 6.12-16
Jeremiah 3.11-18; Jude 1-4, 17-end

Sunday 4 November
All Saints

Sung Eucharist
Isaiah 25: 6-9; Revelation 21: 1-6a; John 11: 32-44
Isaiah 35: 1-9; Luke 9. 18-27
Isaiah 65: 17-end; Hebrews 11: 32-12.2

Sunday 11 November

Sung Eucharist
Hebrews 9: 24-end; Mark 1: 14-20
See Service Sheet