An installation featuring 56 pairs of shoes, each representing someone that lost their life on the roads of Lincolnshire in 2018, has gone on display in Lincoln Cathedral.

The installation has been coordinated by Churches Together in All Lincolnshire in partnership with Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership and each pair of shoes in the display has been carefully chosen to be relevant to the person that died. The smallest pair represents Ameila Wood, who died aged 11 years old after being hit by a wheel from a passing car.

As well as the 56 people who lost their lives on the county’s roads in 2018, a further 967 suffered injuries, some having their way of life changed for ever. Organisers of the powerful and emotional exhibit hope it will encourage everyone that sees it to consider how they use the roads and how everyone’s actions can help make the roads safer.

The exhibit is on display in the Morning Chapel at Lincoln Cathedral until Sunday 5th May, and is free to enter.