“May you live in interesting times”

This is a phrase many of us will be familiar with. Dating from the 19th century, at first glance it can appear to be an expression of goodwill or a friendly wish bestowed on a companion. In fact, its original intention was ironic, with the inference being that ‘interesting times’ are marked not by peace and calm, but by disorder and uncertainty, insecurity and dislocation.

The reality is that for many of us, those negative qualities are often the ones which characterise our life and threaten to overwhelm us. The reasons for this are myriad: unexpected news which knocks us sideways; worries about money; health problems – our own or those of a loved one; the continuing political insecurity around Brexit; concerns for our children, or for ageing parents. These are just some of the things which can give us cause to feel that, sometimes, life is a little too interesting.

In this Easter season, we can take heart from the stories of the first disciples in those initial days after the death and resurrection of our Lord. We know from the bible that they too lived in ‘interesting times’, and that they were confused and frightened, disorientated and uncertain. After Jesus’ crucifixion, they could not help but think that things had taken a very unexpected turn, and all they could be sure of in those early days was that they were in a place which was strange to them and which they didn’t anticipate.

What they gradually discovered, of course, was not only that God was with them, but had been through everything that had happened, and would be through everything which was to come. They also learned that whatever they faced, they did not do so alone, and that together they could do great things.

So, when we find ourselves living in ‘interesting times’, may the grace of God give us the faith to hold fast to our belief that we are not alone, and that he is always with us.


Worship & Mission

Lectio Divina Bible Reflection Group
Saturday 27 April, 4pm-5pm
Revd David Dadswell will lead this group at 27 Minster Yard.

Jazz Eucharist
Jazz Eucharist with The Chris Ingham Quartet & The Choir of Lincoln Cathedral
Sunday 5 May 10.30am-11.30am

Lincolnshire Jazz Week first collaborated with the Cathedral and introduced a jazz musical element into this Morning Service in 2016 and it has been very well received ever since. Working with the Cathedral’s Musical Director, Aric Prentice, the Jazz Quartet and Choir will perform part of Will Todd’s ‘Jazz Missa Brevis’, plus some Gershwin tunes. It will be a moving and atmospheric experience. All are welcome to attend.


‘Only Me’
A talk by Isobel Ward, hosted by the Lincoln Cathedral Retired Staff and Volunteers Group. Thursday 9 May, 10.30am, 27 Minster Yard. A perfect opportunity to meet former colleagues and make new friends. Annual membership fee £5, guests very welcome £2.

The Dean’s Verger Writes…
We have a double medal winner in our midst.  It is exciting to hear that Dawn Flood, our former Chief Steward has been awarded both the High Sheriff’s Medal and the Mayor’s Medal. Dawn’s service to the cathedral over many years has been recognised and she is very worthy of these accolades.

It is interesting that through these two different awards Dawn has been recognised by both the city and county for her sterling work; leading a team of around 50 volunteer stewards, spending many hours on the floor of the Cathedral at events both sacred and secular, attending countless meetings, working behind the scenes on her computer at home, and offering pastoral care for her team, and others. Well done Dawn!

Vocations Day
On Saturday 4 May there will be a Vocations Day held in Lincoln at St Luke’s, Birchwood  exploring a sense of calling in a relaxed and “no strings attached” environment. The day is open to anybody who feels God might be calling them to something more. There are more details on the Diocesan website under Events on the News tab.

Anne Askew – A Woman of Courage in Tudor Lincolnshire
Thursday 23 May 2019 at 7.30pm in The County Assembly Rooms, Bailgate. Script-in-Hand presents a new play by local author Margaret Crompton. In 1545, Anne Askew read the Bible illegally in Lincoln Cathedral. The play focuses on her peaceful protest and its significance for our own understanding of freedom. Admission free: donations for The Shannon Trust.

Oliver! Tickets
There are still tickets available for the production of Oliver! If you are struggling to find enough seats for your group online at lincolncathedral.com, please call 01522 561658 and we can look for suitable spaces.
The show takes place in the Cathedral from Monday 5 to Friday 16 August 2019 (excluding Sunday 11 August).


SPARK! Engineering Festival
Friday 3 May – 10am-4pm, schools day
Saturday 4 May – 10am-4pm, public, free entry
Sunday 5 May – 12.30pm-3pm, public, free entry

SPARK! Engineering Festival is back for 2019 and this year will incorporate civil engineering to celebrate and showcase the marvellous achievements of this discipline.

Organised as a partnership event by the Education Business Partnership, the City of Lincoln Council and local businesses, SPARK! aims to promote Lincolnshire as an engineering hotspot and inspire local young people to consider a career in the industry.

Byrd meets Bird
Wednesday 8 May, 7.30pm

As part of Lincolnshire Jazz Week 2019, we are combining Lincoln Cathedral Choir performing the hymns of William Byrd with Geoff Gascoyne’s Quartet playing the music of Charlie ‘Bird’ Parker to bring you Byrd meets Bird!
Tickets are £20, under 16s and students £10.

Organ Concert Series 2019
Saturday 18 May, 7pm, Colin Walsh
Saturday 15 June, 7pm, Martin Baker
Saturday 20 July, 7pm, Hilary Punnett
Saturday 21 September, 7pm, Charles Harrison
Friday 4 October, 7pm, Organ Extravaganza
Sunday 22 December, 5.30pm, La Nativité du Seigneur

Be a Chorister for the Day!
Saturday 15 June, 1.30pm

Love singing? Take part in this fantastic opportunity. Explore the song school and experience what it is like to be a chorister. For more information contact 01522 504398 or music@lincolncathedral.com

Come and Sing
Saturday 22 June, 10am

Join other singers and learn Carl Orff’s famous choral work Carmina Burana from scratch. This all-day event is for enthusiastic singers of all ages and abilities. Led by Director of Music, Aric Prentice, you will learn one of the most recognised pieces of choral music from film and TV.

The event will begin at 10am, finishing with a performance for family and friends at 3pm. Registration is required. Please contact the Assistant Organist on 01522 504398 or assistantorganist@lincolncathedral.com.

Magna Carta Lecture
Thursday 27 June, 7pm
Rights and Freedom Today by Shami Chakrabarti

Shami Chakrabarti is the Shadow Attorney General and a member of the House of Lords. A lawyer, she is Honorary Professor of Law at the University of Manchester, Honorary Fellow of Mansfield College, Oxford and a Master of the Bench of Middle Temple. She was previously Chancellor of both Oxford Brookes University and then the University of Essex.

Baroness Chakrabarti was Director of Liberty, the National Council for Civil Liberties from 2003 to 2016. Shami’s first book, On Liberty, is published by Penguin. Her second, Of Women, was published on 26 October 2017.

Tickets for all events are available on the Cathedral website – lincolncathedral.com

Bible Readings

Sunday 28 April
Second Sunday of Easter

Sung Eucharist
Acts 5: 27-32
Revelation 1: 4-8
John 20: 19-end

Exodus 12: 1
1 Peter 1: 3-12

Isaiah 53: 1-6, 9-12
Luke 24: 13-35

Sunday 5 May
Third Sunday of Easter

Sung Eucharist
Acts 9: 1-6
Revelation 5: 11-end
John 21: 1-19

Exodus 15: 1-2, 9-18
John 10: 1-19

Isaiah 38: 9-20
John 11: 27-44

Sunday 12 May
Fourth Sunday of Easter

Sung Eucharist
Acts 9: 36-end
Revelation 7: 9-end

1 Kings 17: 17-end
Luke 7: 11-23

Isaiah 63: 7-14
Luke 24: 36-49