The Historic Environment Skills project is a partnership between Lincolnshire County Council’s Heritage Skills Centre, Heritage Lincolnshire and Lincoln Cathedral.

Over 4 years, the project will help 21 people with an interested in preserving the historic environment to develop the skills needed to for a career in the heritage sector.

This year, trainees are being recruited for historic building conservation, slate and roofing, and heritage plastering boles and two open days have been organised for anyone that might be interested to come along and find out more. All the sessions are free to attend, but places on the taster days are limited, so anyone wishing to attend should book their place early by emailing

The Construction and Conservation taster takes place on Monday 8 July at the Heritage Skills Centre in Lincoln. There are two sessions during the day. The first runs from 10am to 12pm and the second is from 1pm to 3pm There will be full details about the Historic Environment Skills project traineeships and those attending will have the opportunity to try some of the skills that will be taught during the traineeship.

The second taster day takes place on Friday 12 July at Collyweston Heritage Centre and is run by Messenger BCR Group, a specialist construction and conservation company working with clients including Historic England, the National Trust and Natural England.

The morning session runs from 8.45am to 12.30pm and focuses on slating and roofing. The afternoon session lasts from 1.15pm to 5pm and is on heritage plastering.

You can find more information and book your place at