Precious Advent time allows us to reflect and wait on the wonder of Christ’s coming amongst us

With the Christmas Market in full swing we warmly welcome worshippers and visitors into the City and the Cathedral. And, for many people the Market is very much the beginning of the Christmas celebrations!

It’s another reminder that while Christmas does come but once a year it now manages to occupy at least a good month of our thoughts and energies before we actually get to the 25th. In the process Advent has become no more than a ‘countdown to Christmas’, rather than a time of patient waiting and preparation: any number of carol services and parties can encroach into what is meant to be a reflective period of the Church’s life.

It is easy to bemoan all this, and the purist within me would like to sing no carols till Christmas! Bah humbug! But we also know that such an approach would not be helpful and indeed counterproductive: Christ came amongst us as the ‘Babe of Bethlehem’ to embrace all our humanity and not sit on the sidelines of life grumbling. The whole point of Christ’s coming among us was that in so doing God accepted the human lot – refusing to stand back – becoming one with us so that we might glimpse the divine possibilities of human life.

Precious Advent time allows us to reflect and wait on the wonder of Christ’s coming amongst us and to be awake to his presence now: Christ, in those who we meet and greet during the Christmas Market; Christ, amongst those whom we live and work alongside; and Christ to be found with those who will be with us over the Festive Christmas Time.

We wait patiently for the coming of the Christ Child with the Advent prayer on our lips, Come, Lord Jesus!



Worship & Mission

Additional Christmas Services
Lincoln Cathedral will host an additional Christmas carol service on Monday 23 December. It will be identical to the service on 24 December with the same carols and readings but will mean that more people can enjoy the special atmosphere of the Cathedral at Christmas.

Also new for this year is a family Crib Service which will take place on Christmas Eve at 10.30am. Aimed at families with young children, this short 30-minute service will take place around the crib and tell the Christmas story, with plenty of chance for everyone to get involved.

Sacred Space
Once a month on a Sunday at 6.45pm
This popular service is gentle and reflective with time to wonder and explore, encouraging everyone to use all their senses; it offers a different way to experience worship at Lincoln Cathedral.

The next Sacred Space service takes place on December 15, and the theme is ‘Light in the Darkness.’

Saturday 14 December, 9am-9.45am
Led by Revd Ann Mazur, this is a time of guided silent prayer to be still and aware of the presence of God.



Pilgrimage to Oberammergau
The Acting Dean and the Archdeacon of Lincoln are leading a Pilgrimage to Oberammergau to see the world famous passion play between 13-20 May next year. Staying in Austria and Germany the pilgrimage will explore this beautiful part of Europe, whilst reflecting on the events that lie at the heart of our faith. The play itself is the most extraordinary experience. There are a few places left. More information is available on the verger’s table in the South Choir Aisle or from the Acting Dean.

Lincoln Cathedral Retired Staff and Volunteers Group
The Lincoln Cathedral Retired Staff and Volunteers Group is hosting a Christmas gathering on Thursday 12 December, at 10.30am, in the Cathedral Centre. A perfect opportunity to celebrate with former colleagues and enjoy a mince pie or two!

Campbell Marras – Santa Fun Run
A group of Campbell Marras will be running the Santa run on 15 December, in support of the BHF and verger 1. If anyone would like to join our group you would be more than welcome. If you wish to support us, a sponsor form and donation box will be in the Vergers Vestry and in the Chapter House at morning coffee. Much more importantly we would welcome all the support you can give us to get around the course on the day. Many of our runners are under 16 and unable to run the 10k due to age restrictions but still wanted to support The Campbell Marras in their own unique way and I know they would welcome your support. Thank you to all in advance.

The Dean’s Verger Writes…
The customary Christmas Help Hamper will be situated at the west end of the Nave from the first Sunday in December ready to receive Christmas products (toiletries, in date foodstuffs hats gloves scarves etc.) for distribution via NOMAD and the Community Larder.

Cathedral Carol Service 23rd & 24th December 2019
A limited number of tickets, for seats in the Crossing, will be available for collection, in person, by members of the Cathedral; congregation and community. Tickets available from the Vergers’ Vestry from Monday 9 December

Midnight Eucharist Christmas Eve
We are very short of stewards for this large service. If any members of the congregation are intending to come along to the service and would be prepared to help with the collection, could you please let Jeannette Davies know. (

Bringing up Elements at 9.30 am Eucharist
A reminder that there is a list on the Community Association noticeboard and if you would like to bring up the elements one Sunday, would you please sign it. We’ve not had a very good response to this so if more people do not sign up we will revert to our old method of asking people on the morning.

Cathedral accounts
The Cathedrals Consolidated Accounts and Annual Report for year ending 31 March 2019 are available to be viewed on the Cathedral website:



A Ceremony of Carols by Benjamin Britten
Saturday 14 December 2pm and 7pm
Performed by the Lincoln Cathedral Choristers and harpist Louise Thomson. Join us on for two performances of this classic, festive favourite, in the stunning Cathedral Chapter House.
2pm performance is now SOLD OUT
7pm performance £27 including wine, canapés and a lantern-light tour of the Cathedral.
Tickets are on sale from, by calling 01522 561658 or from the Cathedral Shop.

Carols by Candlelight
18 December 7.30pm in the Nave of Lincoln Cathedral.
Join the Lincoln Cathedral Choir and sing Seasonal Carols by Candlelight. Afterwards enjoy a mince pie and warm fruit punch This event is a popular favourite by all, book early to avoid disappointment .
Tickets – £10 Unreserved front Nave
£5  – Unreserved restricted view side aisles
For accessible seating please call the shop direct on 01522 561644

Organ Concert – La Nativité du Seigneur
Sunday 22 December, 5.30pm
Come and experience Jeffrey Makinson in concert on the grand Father Willis organ in Lincoln Cathedral.
Olivier Messiaen’s 1935 masterpiece is considered to be one of the greatest Organ compositions of all time. La Nativité du Seigneur is a Christmas tradition at Lincoln Cathedral and one not to be missed.

Wallace and Gromit In Concert; The Wrong Trousers
Saturday 4 January
Audiences will be treated to five showings of the film on a big screen in the Nave, and the 30-piece chamber orchestra will bring the soundtrack to life in spectacular fashion.


Bible Readings

Sunday 8 December
Second Sunday of Advent

Sung Eucharist
Isaiah 11:1-10
Romans 15: 4-13
Matthew 3: 1-12

Amos 7
Luke 1: 5-20

1 Kings 18: 17-39
John 1: 19-28

Sunday 15 December
Third Sunday of Advent

Sung Eucharist
Isaiah 35: 1-10
James 5: 7-10
Matthew 11: 2-11

Zephaniah 3: 14-20
Philippians 4: 4-7

Isaiah5: 8-end
Acts 13: 13-41

Sunday 22 December
Fourth Sunday of Advent

Sung Eucharist
Isaiah 7: 10-16
Romans 1: 1-7
Matthew 1: 18-end

Micah 5: 2-5a
Luke 1: 26-38

1 Samuel 1: 1-20
Revelation 22:6-end