The Revd Canon Sal McDougall has announced that she will be leaving Lincoln Cathedral in May.

Sal has been Precentor at Lincoln Cathedral for three years, since September

2017, during which time she has had overall responsibility for worship and music. As well as working to develop the Cathedral’s world class music department, Revd Canon McDougall has played a key role in organising and developing special services, including adding a second Carol Service and Crib service to the Cathedral’s Christmas schedule.

She said, “It is a tremendous privilege to be responsible for the worship and music in such an incredible place, and my time here has been made all the more special thanks to the great people that I have had the pleasure of working with for the last three years.”

“I am leaving with a rich store of experience that I have gained while being Precentor. I’m thankful for the many and varied opportunities that I have had in Lincoln, and look forward to the future.”

The Acting Dean of Lincoln, the Venerable Mark Steadman said “Liturgy and music are at the very heart of Lincoln Cathedral’s mission and I am very grateful to Sal for sharing her expertise and passion for music with us, and demonstrating how excellence in liturgy and music can bring us closer to God.

“We wish Sal well for her future career, and know that she will use her many talents to inspire and support others.”