The latest edition of InHouse; the journal from the Lincoln Cathedral Community Association is now available.

You can download the latest edition of the magazine here: InHouse SPRING 2020

A message from the InHouse editorial team:

When we finished editing and page setting this edition, we were in a different world, even though it was only at the beginning of March. First of all, we were suddenly welcoming back our Dean, although in a very different model of worship – communion in one kind, no shaking hands – and then, as things escalated so very quickly, we found ourselves with no public worship, no restaurants and cafes – you all know the rest.

Rather than try to retrofit the Spring edition, we offer it here as a memory of times together and as a reminder that we are still a community even if we are not meeting. We look forward to a future when we can come together to rejoice with our Dean that she is back with us, worship together with our wonderful choir, and become a physical community again.

Meanwhile, each in our own way we try to remain hopeful and to pray as we approach Passiontide and Easter without the usual comfort of sharing those times together. Stay safe, enjoy the stories here and remember that we are all united in the love of Christ.

Muriel, Elaine and Margaret