Easter Day

Have you noticed how much quieter it is out on the streets at present? Sounds and sights seem to be heightened as we find ourselves cooped up inside. Despite spending far too much time at a computer screen with all this online remote working, I have found my concentration constantly interrupted by the persistent noise of birds busy nesting. It appears to be particularly loud this year. It is so life-affirming.

Lent is meant to be a time of fasting and this year Easter brings with it a great feast of hope-filled sights and sounds. Looking out of the window, I find myself surprised and delighted by the many signs of nature bursting back to life after all the barrenness of winter. Spring happens every year and yet this year it speaks so powerfully as a declaration of hope and new life. The green shoots seem more miraculous and the fattening buds more full of promise. I was intrigued by a huge disorientated bumblebee staggering about in my Chapel this week and more so in the fact that I took such care and attention to rescue it.

Perhaps with all the anxiety, uncertainty and enforced isolation our souls have grown hungry for hope and thirsty for the promise of better days?

Easter declares the triumph of love and the restoration of our relationship with God through the work of the Cross. It proclaims the power of God to rescue us from ourselves and transform even the very worst experiences of human life. It is a message that seems to land more powerfully this year.

We are learning a great many things through this shared experience of lockdown and disease. Whilst a few have used the opportunity selfishly the majority have come together to contribute to the common good, to show genuine gratitude to those who have borne the cost in caring for the sick and dying and to reach out to their neighbours in their hour of need.

We have witnessed the triumph of love in the sacrificial service of so many in society in these past few weeks. Indeed, our obedience to lockdown is a demonstration of love for the vulnerable and most at risk and for the wellbeing of our NHS. Our relationships with one another have changed as we have sought to stay connected despite the physical barriers.

May this Easter season, as we celebrate the joy of the resurrection, enable us to encounter the risen Lord in one another and to bring about resurrection moments in our world as we too declare the triumph of love through our actions.

May all the blessing and joy of Easter be upon you



Worship & Mission

Live streaming and video reflections
You can now access all of our videos and live streams from the front page of the Lincoln Cathedral website as well as on our Facebook Page.

Details of services and reflections to be added in the coming days are below:

Maundy Thursday, 10 April
7pm – online worship and reflection led by the Subdean

Good Friday, 11 April
12noon – online Good Friday Devotion led by the Dean.
Also a video reflection from the Dean on Facebook and Cathedral website.

Easter Day, 12 April
10am – live streamed Communion Service from the Deanery Chapel.

Have your bells ready! It is traditional for the congregation to ring bells at The Cathedral at Easter. Even though we cannot be in the building itself, we want to carry on this tradition, so we invite everyone who is joining in this service online to find a bell at home and join in!

Video Sermon from The Right Reverend Dr David Court, Acting Bishop of Lincoln on Facebook and Cathedral website.

Home Worship Resources
We continue to update the range of home worship resources available on our website.

On Friday 17 April at 8pm there will be Compline live streamed from the Deanery and homes across the Lincoln Cathedral Choir community.  As always you’ll find this on both the Cathedral and choir Facebook pages.

On Sunday 19 April we will once again live stream Communion.

Bishop’s Office
Daily Reflections for Holy Week by members of the bishop’s senior staff can be found on the Bishop’s Office Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/lincolnbishopsoffice/



Chapter Letter
If you know of anyone that does not have access to the internet, but would still like to receive the Chapter Letter, please email Michelle Andrews on communications@lincolncathedral.com and she will print and post a copy to them.

Pastoral care
If you would like support, or just a chat with a friendly voice, please do contact either the Subdean or the Dean’s Verger. We also encourage you to continue to check on the welfare of friends, neighbours and relatives.

John Patrick 07956 566101 subdean@lincolncathedral.com
John Campbell (07733) 276335 deansverger@lincolncathedral.com

The Mind website also has some excellent resources to help you manage your wellbeing

The Lincoln Cathedral Retired Staff and Volunteers Group
The Lincoln Cathedral Retired Staff and Volunteers Group are looking for an extra person from the Cathedral Community who can help with the running of this informal group. If you are interested and want to know more get in touch with Ann Martin / Kate Hellen or contact a member of the Cathedral team who will pass your details on.

Holy Week lights
For anyone that cannot see the Cathedral from their home, here is an image of the Cathedral lit purple for holy week. You can find more images on our Facebook page.

Please note
The Choral Scholars are joining in our streamed services. They all live in one household. All social distancing and instructions to stay at home are being observed by all at the Cathedral.


Bible Readings

Sunday 12 April
Easter Day

Jeremiah 31: 1-6
Acts 10:34-43
John 20: 1-18

Exodus 14: 10-18, 26-15:2
Revelation 15:2-4

Evening Prayer
Song of Solomon 3: 2-5; 8:6-7
Revelation 1: 12-18


Sunday 19 April
Second Sunday of Easter

Acts 2: 14a, 22-32
1 Peter 1: 3-9
John 20: 19-end

Exodus 12: 1-17
1 Corinthians 5: 6b-8

Evening Prayer
Daniel 6: 1-23
Mark 15: 46-16:8


Sunday 26 April
Third Sunday of Easter

Acts 2: 14a, 36-41
1 Peter 1: 17-23
Luke 24: 13-35

Isaiah 40: 1-11
1 Peter 5: 1-11

Evening Prayer
Haggai 1: 13-2.9
1 Corinthians 3: 10-17