May the gifts of the Spirit equip us and guide us on our way.

There has been a lot of talk about self-care, trauma and managing mental health in these recent weeks. The impact of living in crisis, dealing with stress, isolation and uncertainty affects us in a variety of ways. Some are enjoying space and the opportunity to pursue hobbies, create beautiful gardens, deepen their spirituality, enjoy long walks or delve into the books that have been waiting to be opened. Others may be suffering from crisis fatigue. Anger, panic, boredom, grief and stress are common emotions. Uncertainty about family, finances, food security, health and employment can wear us down. One piece of data is that food bank use is up 300%.

Apparently the first stage of handling crisis is to be heroic and sacrificial. We have seen and paid tribute to plenty of that. We also witnessed careless actions and selfishness from a few. Remember the toilet roll hoarders! As time progresses energy begins to sap and what follows is a disillusionment phase. Reflecting on the mood in the country at present, I wonder if many are now experiencing this? The good news is that once this second phase begins to wane we start to look to the future and new beginnings. Hope and realism work together to restore our equilibrium and re-energise us. At this stage it is important to be mindful of those who are beginning to struggle and offer empathy and support.

The great festival that concludes the Easter season is Pentecost as the promised gift of the Holy Spirit is sent upon the first disciples. We celebrate the beginning of a continuous and perpetual out-pouring of gifts to strengthen and sustain the people of God. In the story of the days between the Crucifixion and Pentecost those disciples went through their own experience of crisis. They too faced a roller-coaster of emotions. They went from a death to extraordinary accounts of resurrection sightings. From the glory of the Ascension to a waiting period, locked in an upper room wondering what next?

Amongst the gifts of the Spirit are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude and knowledge. Gifts that bring mutual flourishing rather than individual fulfilment. A great founder of Anglican social thought, William Temple described this in terms of an ethic of collective action. The first principle was the dignity and spiritual freedom of each person to respond to God’s call and fulfil their sense of purpose and vocation in life. The second was that you cannot achieve this in isolation. It can only be through engagement with the world and with others. He concluded that fulfilment of the self is only possible through service to others – it is not possible to flourish without mutual, reciprocal action. We use our gifts and affirm our interdependence in order to actively contribute to the common good.

As we look to the future and dare to imagine a new social settlement, the Kingdom of God gives us a bold vision. May the gifts of the Spirit equip us and guide us on our way.

Come Holy Spirit fill the hearts of your people and kindle in us the fire of your Love



Worship & Mission

Holy Communion
Our online worship this Sunday will be Holy Communion.
You will also find it on our Facebook page

As always, we continue to encourage you to follow us on Facebook and Twitter where we will also be posting prayers, videos and more information about the Cathedral.



John Campbell
This month we are saying a very fond farewell to one of our longest serving members of staff.

John Campbell joined Lincoln Cathedral as Dean’s Verger in 1990, and has been a profoundly committed, expert and energetic member of the team, faithful to his role, to the Cathedral and to God. He has helped the Cathedral weather many storms, seen many clergy and Chapter Clerks come and go, and his distinguished career and ministry was recognised in 2016 with the award of the British Empire Medal.

In his 30 years at the Cathedral, John has become a passionate ambassador for the building, its worship and the role of verger, being a senior officer of the Church of England Guild of Vergers. It is not possible to overestimate the good he has done for the Cathedral and the city of Lincoln, and the benefits of his legacy will be felt for many years to come.

Due to the current situation, we will take the opportunity to say a proper formal farewell to John and Pauline once the lockdown is eased, however, we do have some plans to mark the occasion on his final day. They are moving from 16a Minster Yard in the coming weeks to their brand-new home north of Lincoln, and we wish them all the very best as they prepare to settle into a house with the benefits of double glazing and right angled walls!

Freda Goodhead R I P
Freda’s funeral will take place at Lincoln Crematorium on Tuesday 2 June at 10.30am

Present restrictions dictate that attendees be restricted to 16. Could those wishing to join the celebration of Freda’s life please contact the Dean’s Verger on or 07733 276335.

For those who are unable to attend, the service will be live-streamed – Details on how to join the funeral can be found by following this link

Donations, in lieu of flowers, in favour of Lincoln Cathedral Library (to adopt a book in Freda’s memory,) may be sent to Jonathan Whiting Funeral Directors.

Revd Nick Brown
We’d like to introduce you to Nick Brown – a new member of the Cathedral Chapter and the Cathedral’s new Strategic Safeguarding Lead.

Nick, whose main role is as Rector of Louth and Rural Dean of Louthesk, was installed as a non-residentiary canon last November, and was appointed by Bishop David to become a member of the cathedral’s chapter in February – filling the place left by Martyn Taylor.

Alongside his various ministerial tasks Nick, who had varied experiences in music and in railway management before ordination, continues to maintain his interest in choral music both singing in choirs when he is able and undertaking research into the relationship between music and theology as a part-time doctoral student at the university of Durham.

With a busy parish role, members of the Cathedral community will not have seen Nick much a Sunday services but, until our normal routines were disrupted by the coronavirus outbreak he was beginning to be regularly seen about the cathedral during the week – especially on Friday afternoons and evenings.  As the new Strategic Lead for Safeguarding within the chapter, Nick is looking forward to working with Claire Hunter in her new role as the cathedral’s Safeguarding Officer.  These new appointments are a mark of the Cathedral’s commitment to ensuring that the cathedral remains a safe place for all to visit and worship in, with a trained safeguarding professional within the Cathedral’s organisation.

Alongside these specific responsibilities, Nick is looking forward to the time when we are able to once again worship together, and he can get to know a wider range of people within the wider Cathedral community.

Pastoral care
If you would like support, or just a chat with a friendly voice, please do contact either the Subdean or the Dean’s Verger.

John Patrick 07956 566101
John Campbell 07733 276335


Bible Readings

Sunday 31 May

Acts 2: 1-21
1 Corinthians 12:3b-13
John 20:19-23

Genesis 11: 1-9
Acts 10: 34-48

Evening Prayer
Joel 2: 21-end
Acts 2:14-21


Sunday 7 June
Trinity Sunday

Isaiah 40: 12-17, 27-end
2 Corinthians 13: 11-end
Matthew 28: 16-20

Exodus 3: 1-6, 13-15
John 17: 1-11

Evening Prayer
Isaiah 6: 1-8
John 16: 5-15


Sunday 14 June
First Sunday after Trinity

Genesis 18: 1-15 [21: 1-7]
Romans 5: 1-8
Matthew 9: 35- 10: 8 [9-23]

Deuteronomy 10:12-11: 1
Acts 23: 12-end

Evening Prayer
1 Samuel 21: 1-15
Luke 11: 14-28