Lincoln Cathedral has announced that it will be open for private prayer and reflection from Monday 15 June.

The Very Revd Christine Wilson, Dean of Lincoln said that she was very pleased that the Cathedral could once again welcome people through its doors. “The 12 weeks since the beginning of lockdown has been a strange time that has seen Lincoln Cathedral stand silent and empty for the first time in its history. We are delighted to be able to open wide our doors and welcome everyone back into this special place of worship, prayer and spiritual nurture. A place that is loved and cherished by so many as a symbol of homecoming, sanctuary and peace.”

Spiritual nurture

While communal acts of public worship are still not permitted, following updated guidance from the government, people are now able to visit the Cathedral for individual private prayer and reflection.

Duty Chaplains will be available during opening hours to respond to the pastoral needs of anyone visiting the Cathedral, whether they arrive seeking specific counsel or find that their visit prompts unexpected questions and feelings. They are happy to pray with anyone who asks for this.

The Cathedral has also added prayer boards at points around the building to help those who may be struggling to find words or know how to pray at this difficult and unsettling time.

Weekly online services will continue to be shared on the Cathedral’s website and Facebook page every Sunday.

Keeping safe

Preparations for reopening have been taking place for several weeks, and visitors to the building will see a number of measures that have been put in place to create a space where people can feel reassured that every precaution has been taken to protect all visitors, staff and volunteers. These include a one-way system to help maintain social distancing, hand sanitiser stations and limits on the number of people that may enter the Cathedral at any time.

The nave and retro-choir will be open to visitors, but other spaces in the building, including the Chapter House, chapels and cloister remain closed.

The shop, refectory and toilets will also remain closed until further notice.

Dean Christine added that adapting to the new way of using the building is a challenge. “This is not something any of us have experienced before; it is a new journey that we are all on together. So please be patient as we travel this new path with you.”

Opening times

The Cathedral will open its doors at 10am on Monday 15 June 2020. Following this, the opening times will be:

Sunday 10.30am-3pm
Monday – Closed
Tuesday 10am – 3pm
Wednesday 10am – 3pm
Thursday 10am – 3pm
Friday 10am – 3pm
Saturday 10am – 3pm

The first hour of opening, between 10am and 11am Tuesday to Saturday, is reserved for anyone who identifies as vulnerable. Please respect this and if you do not fall into a category that is considered vulnerable, please visit later in the day.