Not to be sniffed at

I read this last week about how the way we “sniff” is a versatile form of communication! The simplest sniff is that of closure: at the end of an anecdote for example and effectively opening the conversation for others to participate. Some sniffs are more nuanced, to indicate, for example, that the sniffer is about to say something difficult or critical. Another seems to indicate thought.

The manner in which we communicate as individuals one to one in person is multi-layered and complex – and that’s without even considering the vast array of electronic and digital communication now available.

An irony is that as the number of methods of communication increases, choosing the right method to communicate the Christian message seems to get harder and not the other way around. Perhaps we should just go back to the old adage that “actions speak louder than words”. I have been reminded of this over the last fortnight as the church’s calendar has remembered me of a rich variety of Christian men and women, those who have interpreted the language of faith and made it real to their generations. St Columba of Iona (9th) was a strict disciplinarian and at times harsh man, who converted kings and built churches; Evelyn Underhill (15th), who, as a retreat conductor and spiritual director, brought many into a greater understanding of the Christian faith; Samuel & Henrietta Barnett (17th) who through social reform dynamically expressed the Christian faith. Different people, different contexts, different times but together powerfully telling the story of lively faith.

As the Cathedral and churches across the country open again their doors for Private Prayer that opportunity is there for us and that’s why I’m immensely grateful for colleagues who are offering a ministry of welcome and hospitality to the Cathedral at this time; for those who take advantage of the peace and quiet our cathedral affords and placing themselves before God in prayer; and I hope and trust being sent out to, in ways both great and small, gently spread the good news of Christ amongst us.

We don’t all need a megaphone to tell people about Jesus, it can often be done in simple service, a quiet word and joyfully following the example of Christ the Servant King. And that’s nothing to sniff at.



Worship & Mission

Holy Communion
Our online worship this Sunday is Holy Communion, led by the Dean with a homily by the Subdean.

Future services
28 June – Choral Mattins
Officiant: Subdean
Homily: Bishop David

5 July – Holy Communion
President: Subdean
Gospeller: Dean
Intercessions: Subdean
Homily: Dean

12 July – Choral Mattins
Officiant: Dean
Homily: Subdean


The latest edition of InHouse, the journal from the Lincoln Cathedral Community Association is now available.

This issue includes a welcome from the Dean, a mix of articles about the Cathedral and Close, some lockdown stories from members of the congregation, and a fond farewell to the Dean’s Verger, John Campbell.

Pastoral care
If you would like support, or just a chat with a friendly voice, please do contact the Subdean.
John Patrick 07956 566101

Cathedral open for private prayer
It has been wonderful to open our doors again and welcome many of you back into the Cathedral for private prayers.
As a reminder, the opening times are:
Sunday 10.30am-3pm
Monday – Closed
Tuesday 10am – 3pm
Wednesday 10am – 3pm
Thursday 10am – 3pm
Friday 10am – 3pm
Saturday 10am – 3pm

The first hour of opening, between 10am and 11am Tuesday to Saturday, is reserved for anyone who identifies as vulnerable. Please respect this and if you do not fall into a category that is considered vulnerable, please visit later in the day.

To help us keep the Cathedral a place that everyone can enjoy in comfort and safety, we ask you to follow our safety guidance.

Old Deanery Visitor Centre
On Wednesday 17 June the Old Deanery visitor centre was officially handed back to the Cathedral by William Birch and Sons. This marks the end of the construction phase of the project and the building is looking stunning.

Anne Irving, Lincoln Cathedral Connected programme manager, said: “Connected is a significant and important milestone in the Cathedral’s history and it’s wonderful to have reached the end of the construction works, which William Birch have delivered for us to the highest standard.”

Furniture, fixtures and fittings will now be installed and details about the official opening will follow in due course.


Bible Readings

Sunday 21 June
Second Sunday after Trinity

Genesis 21: 8-21
Romans 6: 1b-11
Matthew 10: 24-39

Deuteronomy 11: 1-15
Acts 27

Evening Prayer
1 Samuel 24: 1-17
Luke 14: 12-24


Sunday 28 June
Third Sunday after Trinity

Genesis 22: 1-14
Romans 6: 12-end
Matthew 10: 40-end

Deuteronomy 15: 1-11
Acts 27: [13-32] 33-end

Evening Prayer
1 Samuel 28: 3-19
Luke 17: 20-end


Sunday 5 July
Fourth Sunday after Trinity

Genesis 24: 34-38, 42-49
Romans 7: 15-25a
Matthew 11:16-19, 25-end

Deuteronomy 24: 10-end
Acts 28: 1-16

Evening Prayer
2 Samuel 2: 1-11, 3.1
Luke 18: 31-19:10