There is more to life than death

Unusually, Jo, my wife, and I went shopping this last week; as usual I managed to lose her, this time somewhere between lingerie and blouses! Wanting to remove my mask I decided to wait outside the shop, get some fresh air and buy a copy of the Big Issue that a lady was selling a little way along the street. The seller and I got into conversation and I was explaining that my wife and I were shopping but that in the process I had lost my wife. Just as I was saying this, a young woman touched my hand – I was unsure why, and not just because of social distancing, as usually when attractive young women touch my hand of late it’s less a sign of affection, more just making sure that I am still sentient/not going to fall over due to my advanced decrepitude! However, she looked me straight in the eye and said, ‘I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve lost your wife.’ I soon realised that she thought that I had “lost” Jo permanently, i.e. she had died! Fortunately, we managed to clear up the misunderstanding quickly – without too much embarrassment – I had my copy of the Big Issue and was soon reunited with my lovely wife alive and well!

It’s interesting how we use language and increasingly, rather than stating that someone has died, we’ll use a number of different terms (think Monty Python and parrots), and saying that we’ve “lost” someone is one of the most common. On one level that makes perfect sense: when someone dies we have lost a voice, a laugh we’ll never hear again; a footstep; an insight; a memory and so much more. But also, saying that we have lost someone avoids saying what has actually happened: they have died. Why? Perhaps, yes, it’s because people are afraid of death, or at least dying; but also, in this post-Christian world where there is less belief in life after death, then this present life becomes everything and death becomes The End.

The fear of death and dying is very present at this moment in time. The number of people dying from COVID-19 is broadcast locally, nationally and globally every day. Each death a tragedy. But as Christians we also have to believe that that is not the finale, but the beginning; not the end of the book but the beginning of a new chapter. And to those who mourn, to those who are frightened, our calling is to take them by the hand and assure them of God’s love and the victory won by Christ on the Cross. There is more to life than death.



Worship & Mission

Change of time for Sunday Eucharist from 9.30am to 10am, from Sunday 1 November.
This is to enable the choristers to rehearse on Sunday morning instead of having to stay late after a long school week on Fridays.
It is not possible to rehearse in the mornings at present due to current restrictions on social distancing.
Thank you to all those who contributed to the ballot. The vote was
Yes to the change: 83
No stay the same: 14

Please note that the reintroduction of a Mattins service and some weekly midday Communions is currently under consideration. It will need careful planning and we hope to have an update soon.

We will be celebrating Harvest at our 9.30am Eucharist this Sunday as we give thanks to God who crowns the year with goodness and gives us the fruits of the earth in their season. With no County Harvest Festival this year due to the current restrictions on gatherings, we will offer our prayers for all who cultivate the fertile fields in Greater Lincolnshire and for those who bring in the harvest of the sea.

As part of our expression of gratitude for the food security we enjoy we are supporting LINCON COMMUNITY LARDER in their mission to provide emergency food parcels to families and single people who face a crisis in their lives. Most of their customers are either unemployed, employed on minimum wage and/or a zero hours contract (leaving little or nothing to put by for an emergency) or unable to work at all due to illness or disability.

If you feel able to help, please bring items to place in the food hamper located near the front desk. The most useful donations include:

Jam/Marmalade/Honey | Tinned Fruit |Tinned rice pudding | Tinned meats eg. Minced beef, stews, curries, meatballs | Hot dogs | Tinned tuna | UHT Milk, semi skimmed | Sweetcorn | Tinned carrots | Tinned peas | Tinned tomatoes Tinned potatoes | Weetabix | Pasta sauces |Small jars of coffee | Sweet biscuits.
Please could we ask that the donations are not out of date.

All Soul’s Day – Monday 2 November
5.30pm Eucharist for the Commemoration of the faithful departed
This year, due to Covid restrictions, we are unable to invite you to simply add names to a written list.
If you would like a loved one remembered on that day please email the vergers office:
Or write the details in clear handwriting on a slip of paper and post in the box that will be at the back of the cathedral as you leave on Sunday.

Remembrance Sunday
Our annual service of Remembrance will be taking place this year, but as you would expect given the current circumstances, it will be a much smaller affair than usual.
There will be 60 pairs of tickets available, and to make things as fair as possible these will be available by ballot. To be included in the ballot please place your name and contact address and phone number in an envelope clearly marked Remembrance Service and return to the Vergers Vestry by 31 October. Those that have been successful will be sent tickets by post.

Stillpoint will meet on Saturday 10 October in the retro-choir from 9am to 9.45am. Entrance via the Judgement Porch.

This is a time of guided silent prayer where we can be aware of the presence of God. By being still before God we offer up ourselves, to listen to him, to gaze at the wonder and mystery of our world, to refresh and renew ourselves in his presence. We wait in silence trusting that God is and that whatever life throws at us, whatever happens in our world, we are loved by God.
Led by Revd Ann Mazur.

Future dates for Stillpoint:
Saturday 7 November
Saturday 5 December
Saturday 9 January



Track and Trace
We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that it is a legal requirement to complete Track and Trace details when you visit the Cathedral, this includes for services.

If you are able, for the health and safety of everyone who worships in the Cathedral, please install the NHS app on your phone and scan the QR code on arrival. If you do not have the app, please ensure that you complete a paper slip and leave in the box provided.

Unwanted iPads or tablets
Have you recently upgraded to a new iPad or tablet? Do you have any unwanted, old tablets lurking in drawers? If so you might be able to help the music department.

Members of the choir are currently reading their music from tablets, rather than using paper copies, however they do not currently have enough available for everyone to have their own, and so are seeking donations.

They do not have to be high spec models, as the software used does not require a great deal of processing power. If you are able to help, please contact Aric Prentice on

Invisible People exhibition
A free photographic exhibition, entitled ‘Invisible People’, which portrays the signs of modern slavery and exploitation will be on display in the Dean’s Green from 12 to 19 October.
The exhibition has been brought to the city by Lincolnshire County Council, the Safer Lincolnshire Partnership, and The Clewer Initiative to coincide with Anti-Slavery Day.
On Sunday 18 October the 9.30am Eucharist will be on the theme of Anti-Slavery and the Cathedral will be lit yellow in the evening to mark Anti-Slavery day.

Provide, Protect, Preserve
Lincoln Cathedral has launched an urgent fundraising appeal to secure its future as a place of worship and as an international visitor attraction, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The ‘Provide, Protect, Preserve’ recovery appeal has a target of £1.5million to stabilise the Cathedral’s finances.

If you are able to do so, please consider giving to the Provide, Protect, Preserve recovery appeal. To find out more or donate to the appeal please visit:



Organ Concert series
Tickets are now on sale for our series of organ concerts
For more information and to book tickets, please follow the link to each recital. Pre-booking is essential as there will not be tickets available on the door.

7 November: Colin Walsh

20 December: La Nativité du Seigneur, Colin Walsh

Flower Festival
Tickets for Lincoln Cathedral’s Flower Festival – Vision 2021 – are now on sale.

Adult – £15
Concessions – £13.50
Group (10+) – £12.75
Under 16 – FREE

There is also a preview evening on Wednesday 28 July, where visitors can enjoy drinks and canapés whilst getting the exclusive opportunity to see the beautiful blooms on display before the event open to the public.

Visitors are also invited to a ‘Musical Meander’ on Friday 30 July which will include musical accompaniment from a selection of talented musicians and tour around the Cathedral for guests to take in the colourful arrangements.


Bible Readings

Sunday 11 October
Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity

Deuteronomy 8: 7-18
2 Corinthians 9: 6-end
Luke 17: 11-19

Evening Prayer
Proverbs 3: 1-18
1 John 3: 1-15


Sunday 18 October
St Luke’s Day

Isaiah 35: 3-6
2 Timothy 4: 5-17
Luke 10: 1-9

Evening Prayer
Ecclesiasticus 38: 1-14
Colossians 4: 7-18


Sunday 25 October
Last Sunday after Trinity

Leviticus 19: 1-2, 15-18
1 Thessalonians 2: 1-18
Matthew 22: 34-end

Evening Prayer
Ecclesiasticus 11, 12
2 Timothy 2: 1-17