The Acting Bishop of Lincoln is pleased to announce the appointment of the Revd Canon Nick Brown as Precentor of Lincoln.

As Precentor, Nick will be a residentiary canon and a chapter member with responsibility for the worship and music in the Cathedral. He is already a familiar face in the Cathedral as a non-residentiary canon and as a chapter member holds strategic oversight for safeguarding on behalf of the chapter. Nick describes the role as a ‘sacred privilege’ in which he serves the Cathedral community, the diocese and the county.

For the past eight years Nick has been Rector of Louth and latterly Rural Dean of Louthesk. He is also a member of the Bishops’ Diocesan Council of Trustees. In Louth, he has overseen the life and work of both the civic church of St James, social outreach from the Trinity Centre, and the spiritual lives of churches in the surrounding villages. Before moving to Louth Nick was based in the diocese of Salisbury with a variety of roles in the parish, diocese, and the cathedral.

Since childhood Nick says he has been nurtured in the choral worship of the Church, ‘Lincoln Cathedral is a holy space, one of many in this diocese, in which we can proclaim the love of God and I am excited to be able to join the cathedral worshipping community as it offers daily worship for the county and the diocese.’

The Acting Bishop of Lincoln, the Rt Revd Dr David Court, says Nick has already made a valuable contribution to the life of Louth and the diocese, ‘I really look forward to the contribution Nick will be able to make to the Cathedral and know he will ensure the Cathedral remains what the statutes describes as a workshop of creativity and a working space for the Gospel of Jesus Christ’.

The Dean of Lincoln, the Very Revd Christine Wilson, says offering inspiring music and reverent worship is central to our understanding of our mission and purpose, ‘I am delighted to welcome Nick as a new colleague and an experienced practitioner, to add his valuable contribution in developing and enriching the ministry here at the cathedral’.

Nick will be welcomed with his family and collated as a residentiary canon in the cathedral at Evensong on Friday December 18.