On Tuesday 12 January 2020, Lincoln Cathedral announced that services will be available online only and that worship attended by the public will be suspended until further notice due to the increasing local and national prevalence of COVID-19.

Services will be available online on tour Facebook Page – https://www.facebook.com/Lincoln.Cathedral – and the building will remain open daily between 10am and 1pm (11.30am-1pm on Sundays) for individual private prayer.

The Revd Canon Nick Brown, Precentor of Lincoln, explained that the decision was taken with a very heavy heart, but that public safety and preventing the spread of the virus had to be the primary concern. “Lincoln Cathedral remains a focal point of hope and prayer for all across the City of Lincoln and beyond. To bring people together in worship is at the very heart of our purpose, but having considered expert advice we believe that the best way to help limit the spread of Covid-19 is to suspend public services for the time being.

“The Cathedral Clergy and lay vicars continue to maintain a daily pattern of prayer on behalf of all. The community remains in our prayers and we look forward to the time when, through the grace of God, we might be able to gather more fully in the future, but for now we encourage everyone to stay at home, protect the NHS and save lives.”

He also encouraged everyone to look for ways to support the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical well-being of those around them through what may be a challenging time for many. “If you are aware of any pastoral needs with which we may assist, please leave a message with the verger on duty during the times that the Cathedral is open for private prayer, or email deansverger@lincolncathedral.com.”

Online services
For the duration of the lockdown services broadcast online will include:
–  Eucharist on Sunday mornings at 10am
–  Morning Prayer – 8am Monday to Friday, 9am Saturdays
–  Evensong Tuesdays and Fridays at 5.30pm
–  Evening Prayer – 5.30pm Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 4.30pm Saturdays, and 3.45pm Sundays.

Private Prayer
The Retro-Choir at the Cathedral will remain open for individual private prayer and reflection between 10am and 1pm Monday to Saturday and 11.30am-1pm on Sundays.
Access for private prayer will be through the Judgement Porch on the South side of the Cathedral.

The Dean’s Green will remain open between 10am and 4pm daily as a place of quiet reflection.

Online Prayer Wall
Lincoln Cathedral also offers an online prayer wall where prayers can be left from the comfort and safety of your home and a virtual candle lit. Visit https://lincolncathedral.com/prayers/