Common Good Lecture 8: Just Peace?

JUST PEACE? On social peace and the causes of division.

We are living through a time of great unravelling. Trust is breaking down and society is increasingly fractured on tribal lines. While the undermining of established truth and the deconstruction of institutions is celebrated by a significant minority, a disturbed majority is asking how this is happening and what can be done. Now that the scale of fragmentation is becoming clear, some are questioning whether social peace is even possible.

For our eighth lecture, we are honoured to have Sr Helen Alford as our speaker. Drawing on her knowledge of Catholic Social Thought, she will be exploring the impact of philosophies of economy, anthropology, truth and relativism, true and false freedom, relationality and the “me” culture, common good and individualism. Opening up questions for us about what the Spirit of God might be doing in this time of great upheaval, Sr Helen will explore the unfolding vocation of the Church in rebuilding a social peace.

Sr Helen Alford is president of the Pontifical Academy for Social Sciences and Dean of the Faculty for Social Sciences at the Angelicum, Rome’s Pontifical University. An economist, she teaches economic ethics, the history of technology, labour politics, and Catholic social thought. Sr Helen is from England, lives in Rome and is a sister of the Dominican Sisters of Saint Catherine of Siena of Newcastle, Natal

This event is part of an eight-part lecture series held in partnership by Together for the Common Good and Lincoln Cathedral, sponsored by CCLA Investment Management. For details of the full series, please visit