Grand Organ Festival 2024 – Ben Bloor

Join us for the Grand Organ Festival 2024 at Lincoln Cathedral. On Monday 16 September we are delighted to welcome Ben Boor, Organist, London Oratory and School Organist, Westminster School

As always, there will be a screen so you can enjoy watching the recitalist in action up in the organ loft. There will also be an opportunity to meet the recitalist at the end of the performance

About Ben Bloor

Ben Bloor is the Organist of the London Oratory Church where he accompanies the professional adult choir for weekly Mass and Vespers and oversees the famous Downes/Walker organ. He combines this with a busy freelance recital career and the post of School Organist at Westminster School, where he teaches organ and plays for services in Westminster Abbey.

Ben holds a First-Class Honours degree in Music from the University of Oxford and the Limpus prize for highest marks in the 2013 FRCO examinations. He is a recipient of the Worshipful Company of Musicians’ Silver Medal for his contribution to organ-playing and held the Junior Fellowship at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. Ben’s debut solo organ CD, L’Orgue Grégorien, was released in May 2024.

Tickets cost £15.00

Click to book tickets

Tickets are sold as non-returnable and non-refundable.

This programme is subject to change with no notice. We reserve the right to cancel this event. If we do need to cancel, all tickets will be refunded.

This event is run through the Lincoln Cathedral Learning, Arts, Culture and Events CIO. Registered charity in England and Wales 1175597. Registered Address 4 Priorygate, Lincoln, LN2 1PL. Raising funds for Lincoln Cathedral.