Lunchtime Recital – Anon

A lunchtime recital performed by ANON
ANON – a Lincoln-based early music ensemble – will perform in the Chapter House on Saturday 2 November, 1pm.

The ensemble, led by Thomas Wilson, specialises in rediscovering neglected and forgotten music by composers whose identities are no longer known. Their recitals are unique studies in anonymity as an artistic phenomenon, and how the absence of authorship affects artistic interpretation.

The recital includes excerpts of a mass of unknown origin, looted from Braniewo University by a Swedish army in 1630, a selection of anonymous English pieces from the Dow and Hammond part books, some stunning double-choir motets from the Promptuarium Musicum, and a set of anonymous Marian antiphons from Archduke Ferdinand II’s court in Graz.

Many of the pieces at this recital will be performed for the first time in centuries.

The recital is included with your Cathedral admission, and there will be a retiring collection to support the Lincoln Cathedral Music Fund.