A word from the editor
The Winter 2024 edition of InHouse is packed with articles about the life and work of the Cathedral and its community. We say a fond farewell to Canon David Dadswell, who retires from his positions as Residentiary Canon and Diocesan Secretary. David’s warm personality and engaging sermons will be much missed.
In the coming months, the LCCA will be transforming itself in line with the requirements of the Cathedrals Measure of 2021. We will still be representing the Cathedral Membership Roll, and organising social events for the Cathedral community, but we will no longer be a separate entity, collecting donations on behalf of the Cathedral. Please join us at our Extraordinary General Meeting early in the New Year, when the changes will be explained in full.
We hope you enjoy reading it, download the latest edition by clicking the button below or by collecting a copy from the tables by each side of St Hugh’s Choir. With thanks to all who have contributed to this edition, in particular to the editorial team and wishing all our readers a Blessed Christmas and a very Happy New Year!