The Companie of Ringers of our Blessed Virgin Mary of Lincoln was founded in October 1612. We are the earliest ringing society still in existence.
The Ringers’ Chapel, in the South West corner of the Cathedral is unique, having been granted to the use of the ringers in 1614.
The Companie rings the bells for Sunday service, special ringing occasions (for example Ascension Day, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve), weddings, and practice evenings.
St Hugh’s (South-West) tower houses a peal of twelve bells in D with the tenor weighing 23cwt. An additional thirteenth bell (the flat 6th) provides an alternative, lighter peal of eight in G.
All the bells were cast by Taylor’s of Loughborough. Bells 5 to 12 date from 1913; bells 1 to 4 from 1927; the flat 6th from 1947.
Normal ringing times:
Sundays – from 3pm to 3.45pm for Evensong
Thursdays – from 7.30pm to 9pm for practice
We meet in the Ringers’ Chapel fifteen minutes before the start of ringing. There are 128 steps up to the ringing chamber.
Visiting ringers are welcome to join one of our ringing sessions and are advised to contact the Master of the Companie in advance of their visit.
Enquiries are also welcome from anyone interested in learning to ring.
Please email: lincoln.cathedral@cb.ldgcb.org.uk