This Christmas season there is something for all the family to enjoy at Lincoln Cathedral. From festive services, amazing music and exciting events, there’s sure to be something for everyone. Read on to find out more about our festive offerings this Advent and Christmas!
Festive music, events, and special services for all to enjoy
The Snowman
Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 December
The heart-warming story will be accompanied by a live orchestra who will bring the score to life and make the most of the incredible acoustics of the Cathedral. The nave will be lit to create a magical atmosphere ensuring an unforgettable experience for adults and children alike.
Tickets have sold fast with only a two screenings left with available tickets. These screenings are:
Saturday 14 December – 8.30pm
Sunday 15 December – 7.30pm

A concert performance of Benjamin Britten’s A Ceremony of Carols
Saturday 21 December, 2pm and 7pm
We’ll have two performances by the voices of Lincoln Cathedral and harpist Thea Maund in the Chapter House. Tickets include wine, canapes, and a lantern light tour of the Cathedral.
After Hours – Sacred Space
Sunday 22 December, 6.45pm
We invite all to join us for a special Sacred Space session as we enjoy a quiet preparation for Christmas.
Sacred Space is a gentle and reflective service with time to wonder, the opportunity to use all your senses to explore faith and the chance to experience the unique and serene atmosphere of the Cathedral as the day draws to a close.
There is no charge to attend, and there will be simple refreshments from 6.45pm, and will begin at 7pm.
Carol services
Monday 23 and Tuesday 24 December, 4pm
Our much-loved Christmas services of lessons and carols mark the start of Christmas for many families in Lincoln and beyond, and anticipate the great Christian celebration of the incarnation at Christmas.
Midnight Mass of Christmas Eve
Tuesday 24 December, 11.30pm
Christmas begins with Midnight Mass, sung by the Cathedral Choir. All are welcome to join us to celebrate the gift of God’s love in the birth of Jesus.
Services for Christmas Day
8am – Holy Communion
10.30am – Festal Eucharist
12.30pm – Holy Communion
3.45pm – Festal Evensong for Christmas Day