Welcome to Come Eat With Me, our final exhibition at the Table for the Nation before it leaves Lincoln Cathedral.
Come Eat With Me will be exhibited on the table from Monday 24 March to Sunday 13 April 2025.
As we journey through these last weeks of Lent, the events of Holy Week and the Last Supper are forward in our minds. This exhibition evokes the setting of the Last Supper, where Jesus’ friends and disciples gathered with him around the table, and were invited to remember him in the sharing of bread and wine. We are also reminded of the events which followed in which those same disciples betrayed Jesus, denied Jesus and fell asleep unable to keep watch with him.
In ‘Come Eat With Me’, we are invited to join with Jesus and his companions at the Table and to reflect on our own journey as a follower of Christ, and how as humans we both remember and fail in our own journeys of faith.
May this exhibition and this Lenten season draw you closer to the gift of God’s love in Christ.