Grand Organ Festival 2024 – Peter King

Join us for the Grand Organ Festival 2024 at Lincoln Cathedral. On Monday 2 September we are delighted to welcome Peter King, Organist Emeritus, Bath Abbey.

As always, there will be a screen so you can enjoy watching the recitalist in action up in the organ loft. There will also be an opportunity to meet the recitalist at the end of the performance

About Peter King

Organist Emeritus of Bath Abbey, Peter was Director of Music at the Abbey from 1986-2016. Under his direction the Abbey Choir visited France, Germany and Holland, and released eight CDs. In 1997 Peter started a Girls’ Choir at Bath Abbey; it quickly established itself as one of the finest in the country. Together with Nicolas Kynaston, Peter was responsible for the design and installation of the Abbey’s Klais Organ.

Peter was Assistant Chorus Director to the CBSO during all of Sir Simon Rattle’s reign as Musical Director. He plays on Sir Simon Rattle’s EMI recordings of Mahler’s Resurrection Symphony and Symphony of a Thousand.

Concert engagements have involved work all over Europe; highlights have included recitals at Cologne Cathedral, Hamburg Michaeliskirche, Essen Philharmonie in Germany,aarleS Bavo, Alkmaar Grotekerk and Breda Grotekerk, (The Netherlands), Ghent Cathedral (Belgium), the Grand Organ Festival at Westminster Cathedral, King’s College, Cambridge, St Paul’s Cathedral and Westminster Abbey, an opening recital on the new organ in Palacio Euskalduna, Bilbao, and Birmingham, where he played at the opening of the new organ in Symphony Hall.

His recitals at the Bath Mozartfest have been broadcast on BBC Radio 3. 2024 sees concerts in Blackburn, Durham & Norwich Cathedrals and a Große Orgel Nacht in the Monastery of St Florian (Austria) as part of the Bruckner bicentenary celebrations.

Peter King is a past President of the Incorporated Association of Organists and of the Exeter District Organists’ Association. He holds the honorary degree of Doctor of Music from the University of Bath. In his spare time Peter is a volunteer tour guide at Exeter Cathedral with a special interest in the work of Thomas of Witney (fl. 1292-1342).

Tickets cost £15.00

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Tickets are sold as non-returnable and non-refundable.

This programme is subject to change with no notice. We reserve the right to cancel this event. If we do need to cancel, all tickets will be refunded.

This event is run through the Lincoln Cathedral Learning, Arts, Culture and Events CIO. Registered charity in England and Wales 1175597. Registered Address 4 Priorygate, Lincoln, LN2 1PL. Raising funds for Lincoln Cathedral.