Illustrated talk – The Table for the Nation with Hamish Low

Hamish Low, founder of The Fenland Black Oak Project will guide you through the history of the Table for the Nation, and how a 5,000 year old Fenland Black Oak was transformed into a spectacular 13 metre long table.

As part of the evening, you’ll have the opportunity to view the table up close and ask questions over a glass of wine.


Book your place

The Table for the Nation is in residency in Lincoln Cathedral until April 2025.

Tickets are sold as non-returnable and non-refundable.

This programme is subject to change with no notice. We reserve the right to cancel this event. If we do need to cancel all tickets will be refunded.

This event is run through the Lincoln Cathedral Learning, Arts, Culture and Events CIO. Registered charity in England and Wales 1175597. Registered Address 4 Priorygate, Lincoln, LN2 1PL. Raising funds for Lincoln Cathedral