Summer organ recital series – Stephen Farr

Join us for the final recital of the 2023 Summer organ recital series at Lincoln Cathedral.

About Stephen Farr

Stephen Farr has an impressive reputation as one of the leading organ recitalists of his generation, with an extensive discography to his credit; recent and pending releases have included J S Bach’s Clavierübung 3, Orgelbüchlein, and Chorale Partitas (part of a projected recording of the complete organ works), the complete organ works of James Macmillan, a new commission by Francis Grier, music from the 17th century English repertoire, works by Judith Bingham, and the complete organ works of Kenneth Leighton (described as a ‘towering triumph’ by The Guardian).

As always, there will be a big screen so you can enjoy watching the recitalist in action up in the organ loft. There will also be an opportunity to meet the recitalist at the end of the performance.

Tickets cost £15.00

Click to book tickets

Tickets are sold as non-returnable and non-refundable.

This programme is subject to change with no notice. We reserve the right to cancel this event. If we do need to cancel, all tickets will be refunded.

This event is run through the Lincoln Cathedral Learning, Arts, Culture and Events CIO. Registered charity in England and Wales 1175597. Registered Address 4 Priorygate, Lincoln, LN2 1PL. Raising funds for Lincoln Cathedral.