Fabric Fund 200 Club

Fabric Fund 200 Club | Lincoln Cathedral

Join the Fabric Fund 200 Club!

The Fabric Fund 200 Club is a fun way to support the ongoing work of conserving the fabric of Lincoln Cathedral. Each year, Lincoln Cathedral has to undertake significant conservation and repair work to ensure that this amazing piece of heritage is sustained for the future.

Join the 200 Club

An entry into the draw costs just £12 per year, and gives you one entry per month. You can have as many £12 entries as you choose. In each monthly draw, you will be in with a chance to win one of three prizes:

1st Prize – £30; 2nd Prize – £20; 3rd Prize – £10

Most importantly, you will be supporting the conservation work to the Cathedral.

Join the 200 Club
Terms and Conditions
  1. To be included in the draw, your subscription must have been received
  2. An entry is valid from the month following the receipt of payment for a period of twelve months in total
  3. There are three prizes at each monthly prize draw; these are drawn from the highest value to the lowest value using www.random.org
  4. Prizes will be paid out following each draw to the name(s) provided at the time of subscription
  5. Only one prize may be won per subscription per month. Where a subscription is drawn more than once, that prize will be re-drawn
  6. All draw results are final
  7. Where more than 200 subscriptions are received, additional draws will be made to maintain the odds are never greater than 1 in 200 for each individual entry in the draw
  8. We will contact you to advise you when your subscription is due to expire, and invite you to renew

The Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Lincoln is registered with the City of Lincoln Council under the Gambling Act 2005, for the administration of a Small Society Lottery.
Registration number: GA05/LOT/0179

Contact Us

Should you wish to speak to someone about the Fabric Fund 200 Club, please contact Matthew Tarling, the Fundraising Manager on 01522 561614, or by email matthew.tarling@lincolncathedral.com.

Updated: 18 April 2024
New Small Societies Lottery Registration number.