Donations in memory of Rev David N Lambert (1934-2020)

Adoption of Medieval Glass at Lincoln Cathedral In Memory of Rev David N Lambert 1934-2020

From the family of Rev David Lambert:

David died on 1 April 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic, which made it difficult to organise a service for him in Lincolnshire as we had planned. We have recently adopted some of the medieval glass in Lincoln Cathedral in David’s memory.

We know from the response after his death how many people’s lives David touched, and what a difference it often made. We wanted to let you know where “his” glass is in the cathedral so that you can, if you wish, spend a moment remembering him there. If you would like to make a contribution to the cathedral’s work on restoring and maintaining the medieval glass you can do so by selecting the ‘Donate’ button.


David served as a priest in the Diocese of Lincoln from 1967 to his retirement in 1994. His parishes included Bracebridge Heath, the Saltfleetby group and the Fotherby group. Post-retirement he continued to conduct services, especially funerals, in and around Louth until he moved to Yorkshire in 2003.

Whilst his ministry always had a strong focus on practical Christianity and social justice he also recognised the psychological and emotional need for beauty in our lives. In the words of the women’s marching song:

“Yes, it is bread we fight for
But we fight for roses too.”

David found beauty in the natural world, particularly his gardens, and also in the creations of the human imagination. He loved the cathedral, admiring the vision and skill of the early craftsmen, and he especially enjoyed the richness of the stained glass. The glass adopted in his memory are the panes to the right-hand side of the risen Christ image in the lancet window second from the right as you look at the south rose window (see image).

Best wishes,

Ruby, Helen and Kate
