Gavin Kirk, Precentor Mark Hocknull, Chancellor John Patrick, Subdean Philippa White, Succentor


‘Forgetting what lies behind, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus.’ So says the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Philippians. These are good words to hear and reflect upon during Lent. Never mind about what may have gone wrong in the past, press on forwards and look to the future with hope and expectation. The words imply a great deal of personal growth and change, two things which often aren’t terribly comfortable. We talk of a child experiencing growing pains, but I sometimes think that adults can also encounter growing pains; especially those who try to take their Christian faith seriously and look to grow in that faith and become more and more Christ-like. Most of us find personal challenge and change difficult to embrace with complete confidence and often we resist them as much as possible. I was told recently about a new Dean who was greeted by his Chapter with the words ‘Unless change is absolutely necessary, it is absolutely necessary that we do not change.’ Cathedrals of course are rightly thought of as bastions of stability and continuity, but they do of course change over time. Cathedrals change and so do people.

Paul’s words are not just about change for change’s sake though. Paul speaks of a goal and heavenly prize. For Paul personal change and growth is guided and directed by, as he puts it, ‘the spirit of Christ.’ Paul is interested in the kind of change that involves our becoming more Christ-like, and as bishop Edward King once said we need more Christ-like Christians. People who are so open to the transforming nature of Christianity that they reflect more and more closely in their own lives the character and values of Jesus himself. For Paul change is absolutely necessary. To believe the Gospel is to be called to a lifetime of exploration and change as you grow in understanding and into the image and likeness of Christ. To be a Christian, to have faith, is to embrace change. Faith, trust, in God’s love enables us to embrace change with confidence and to grow through it.

The Apostle Paul never considered that he had arrived and achieved his goal. For him the life of faith was a continuing and unending struggle to let go of old ways and embrace new ways. As we travel though Lent, the season will provides us with many opportunities for change and growth as we reflect upon our lives in relation to Christ. As Cardinal John Henry Newman wrote “In a higher world it is otherwise, but here below to live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often.

Mark Hocknull, Chancellor


Methodist Modern Art Collection – 12th February – 31st March 2016 During Lent the Chapter House will host famous pieces from the Methodist Modern Art Collection. The exhibition will be open seven days a week, a series of talks and lectures will also run throughout the time the exhibition is with us. The next lecture, by Ben Stoker, diocesan arts and heritage consultant, looks at the body of Jesus in the context of the Easter narrative (at 1pm and at 7pm on Wednesday 24th February). Forthcoming lectures include:

Prof Peter Burman Arts and Heritage Consultant (at 1pm and at 7pm on Thursday 3rd March); Dr Jonathan Koestle-Cate, lecturer in art history at Goldsmiths College, looking at Theyre Lee-Elliott’s “Crucified Tree Form: the Agony” from the perspective of its themes and its affinity with other works of religious art (at 1pm and at 7pm on Wednesday 9th March); Revd Bruce Thompson, Chair of the Lincolnshire Methodist District, looking at Edward Burra’s “The Pool at Bethesda” (at 1pm and at 7pm on Thursday 17th March); Revd Dr Richard Davey, coordinating chaplain at Nottingham Trent University (1pm and at 7pm, Wednesday 23rd March)

faith@lincolncathedral meets next on Wednesday 24th February, after our week off for Ash Wednesday. We will meet at the Victoria on Union Road at 7pm for a chat and a drink, beginning discussion at 7.30 – our topic this week will be “Environmental activism: a vital part of Christian life and witness or a distraction from our real calling?”. Everybody is welcome to come and join us for informal discussion, a drink and socialising; any questions/ comments please contact the Curate ( 567004).

St John Passion – 12th March 2016 at 7pm Tickets are still available for J.S. Bach’s St John Passion. Performed in the Nave of the Cathedral by the Cathedral Choir, the Baroque Players of London and soloists, this promises to be another stunning performance.  To book your tickets visit and click on ‘Forthcoming Events’, or visit the Cathedral Shop.

Lincoln Theological Society Thursday 17 March, 7.30pm in The Robert Hardy Lecture Theatre at Bishop Grosseteste University. The Rev Professor Nicholas Sagovsky. will discuss, ‘What makes a Saint’. Tickets £5.00 from the cathedral shop or on the door.


The Chapter Clerk writes:  Anyone who wishes to give a donation towards the farewell gift to the Precentor can drop off their contribution to the Chapter Office at 4 Priorygate in a sealed envelope marked “Precentor’s Collection”.  If you would prefer to hand your donation to me personally, I will normally be at church at the 9.30am service on Sundays and often at coffee in the Chapter House afterwards.   Cheques should be made payable to “Lincoln Cathedral” with “Precentor’s Collection” written on the reverse.  Please feel free to include any personal message for the Precentor that you would like us to pass on.  Details of when the presentation will be made will follow in due course.

Lincoln 10k  – This year’s 10K Race  takes place Sunday 17th April there will be the normal access and parking restrictions in Up-Hill Lincoln [details are on the City & 10K websites].

Advance Notice – a date for your diary:  Rachmaninov concert in the Cathedral Chapter House on Saturday 30 April.  The Lincoln Chorale will sing the Rachmaninov Vespers, and the internationally renowned Trio Apaches, starring Lincolnshire’s own Ashley Wass, will perform Rachmaninov’s Trio Elégiaque.  Details available nearer the time.


Community Association Spring Walk – Saturday 7 May 2016

A Spring Walk starting in Potterhanworth that includes walking along the Roman Car Dyke and Woods to Dunston Village, then returning via Nocton Village, is being arranged for Saturday 7 May 2016. The circular Walk is 7.5 miles long and fairly flat. The outward leg includes woods where we may see Bluebells in flower, and the 2nd Century Roman Car Dyke with panoramic views across the Fens. The return leg via Nocton Village passes the fire ravaged Nocton Hall built in 1530, an ancient Chestnut tree and some centuries old Sequoias. Lunch will be available at the Red Lion, Dunston. Details are on the Community Association Notice Board. If you’d like to join the Walk please add your name onto the sheet. John Harker 01526 323680


Carol Hill writes – Many thanks to you all for your prayers, enquiries, cards, phone calls and visits during, and following my spinal surgery. I am pleased to say that my recovery is progressing, and I am able to attend services when my “chauffeur” is available. I was delighted to have been out of hospital in time for the Choristership Service.

Organ concerts 2016 Concerts start at 7pm and take place in the Nave of Lincoln Cathedral. Tickets £6.00 per person. Available via the box office: 01522 561644 /

14 May, Marco lo Musico (Rome), 4 June, Nikolai Gersak (Friedrichshafen), 11 June, Jeffrey Makinson (Lincoln),  16 July, Colin Walsh (Lincoln)

Jesus Christ Superstar 2016  Please note that all shows have SOLD OUT. There are a few sponsorship opportunities remaining.

Lincoln Mystery Plays  3 – 13 August at 7.30pm. Tickets £15 available from


Bible Readings

Sunday 21 February                     2nd Sunday of Lent

Sung Eucharist                            Genesis 15: 1-12, 17-18,  Philippians 3: 17-4.1,  Luke 13: 31-end

Mattins                                      Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16,  Romans 11: 13-24

Evensong                                   Jeremiah 22: 1-9, 13-17,  Luke 14:27-33

Sunday 28 February                     3rd Sunday of Lent

Sung Eucharist                            Isaiah 55: 1 – 9,  1Corinthians 10: 1-13,  Luke 13: 1-9

Mattins                                      Deuteronomy 6: 4-9,  John 17: 1a, 11b – 19

Evensong                                   Genesis 28: 10-19a,  John 1: 35-end

Sunday 6 March                         4th Sunday of Lent

Sung Eucharist                            Joshua 5: 9-12, 2 Corinthians 5: 16 -end,  Luke 15: 1-13, 11b-32

Mattins                                      Genesis 37: 3-4, 12-end,  1 Peter 2: 16-end

Evensong                                   Isaiah 40:27-41.13, 2 Timothy 4:1-18