Mark Hocknull, Chancellor   John Patrick, Acting Dean & Subdean   Philippa White, Succentor

The fourth Sunday of Easter (Sunday 17 April) is occasionally called Good Shepherd Sunday as the Bible readings set for the day feature images of God, of Jesus, as a shepherd. The image of the shepherd is one that resonates clearly within scripture: Jesus refers to himself as the Good Shepherd, an image borrowed from frequent references within the Old Testament, not least that most well-known of psalms, The Lord is my shepherd (psalm 23).

The image of the shepherd is one that is not just used to describe the divine it’s one that is also attributed to the kings of Israel and Judah. This makes good sense as these kings and rulers had the specific responsibility to care for God’s people and to be accountable for their welfare. They were responsible for defending them from attack, for administering justice, for taking care of the poor and needy, and for making provisions for the worship of the Lord. It goes without saying that often they failed in that task: how often we read in the Old Testament at the end of the story of a king’s life, “He did what was evil in the sight of the Lord, just as his ancestors had done”.

The responsibility of leadership is not to be taken lightly whether it is exercised amongst nations, religious groups, community organisations, clubs and groups large and small. For Christians we have the example of Christ who came amongst us as one who serves, gave us a model of holy living and said, Follow me!

John Patrick, Subdean

Community Association – Spring Walk Saturday 7 May 2016 – Reminder:

A Spring Walk starting in Potterhanworth that includes walking along the Roman Car Dyke, having lunch at the Red Lion in Dunston, and returning via Nocton Village, is being arranged for Saturday 7 May 2016. The fairly flat circular walk, at a leisurely pace, includes paths through woods and panoramic views across the Fens.

Parking is near Potterhanworth School – please take the left fork in the road (Barff Road) at the school (signposted  to “Memorial Hall”) Explorer Reference Map 272 TF 056/ 662.  The walk start is 50 yards past the school at 9.45 for 10.00 am.

Details are on the Community Association Notice Board.   If you’d like to join the Walk please add your name onto the sheet and indicate if you’d like lunch.   Further enquiries or details can be obtained by contacting John Harker on 01526 323680.


Lincoln Cathedral Connected: Planning Consultation Events:

Concerning the proposed development of the Old Deanery (30 Eastgate) and landscaping of the Dean’s Green and Minster Yard.

We hope you will join us at one of the following consultations, where you can view the proposals, ask questions and express your opinions.

Drop-in Sessions

Mon 25 to Thu 28 April 2016    11am to 2pm    Café Bar, Lincoln Drill Hall, Free School Lane, LN2 1EY

Sun 1 May 2016                       10.30am to 2pm    Chapter House, Lincoln Cathedral, LN2 1PX

Mon 2 to Fri 6 May 2016          12pm to 2pm    Morning Chapel, Lincoln Cathedral, LN2 1PX

A Presentation by the Design Team

Thurs 28 April 2016 at 7pm

Robert Hardy Lecture Theatre, Bishop Grosseteste University, LN1 3DY

Tickets are required for this free presentation, available from or 01522 504394

The Cathedral Retired Volunteers’ Group:

This group meets on the second Thursday of every month, except August, at the Cathedral Centre, starting with coffee at 10.30, followed by a monthly speaker.  Members pay a yearly subscription of £5.00, and membership is open to retired volunteers or staff of the Cathedral, or people approaching retirement.

The Group has recently decided to open up its membership further to include Guest Members, who may attend any meeting at a monthly cost of £2.00 (plus the coffee charge).  These Guests need not be ‘retired’ but may enjoy hearing our speakers and meeting friends.

The Speaker for May 12th is Aric Prentice with a talk on ‘The singers go before, the minstrels follow after’.  Everyone will be most welcome.  More information from Rita Simpson on or on 01522521484

Hallé Friday 23 September 2016, 7.00pm and Messiah Saturday 19 November 2016 7.00pm:

General Ticket Release: Tickets will be released to the public on Sunday 1 May. For further information and to book your tickets please visit Tickets can be purchased in person through the Cathedral shop or by calling 01522 561 644. The system will automatically allocate you with the best possible seats available in your chosen area, at the time of purchase. Wheelchair seating is available and can be booked by telephone on 01522 504 394.

Priority booking for Cathedral members: Advanced booking is available for Cathedral members from Monday 18 to Thursday 28 April. Members will receive an email on the Monday morning detailing how to book tickets.

Lecture by Peter Hennessy, the Lord Hennessy of Nympsfield: ‘Writing the history of one’s time’

Friday 20 May 2016 at 7.30pm in the Chapter House.

With previously inaccessible historical records, Lord Hennessy will be talking about the people and personalities that have shaped our lives since World War II. For further information and to book your tickets please visit Tickets can be purchased in person through the Cathedral shop or by calling 01522 561 644.

Lincoln 10K Race: Will be held on Sunday 17 April.  There will be traffic restrictions in up-hill Lincoln.

Access to and parking in Minster Yard will be restricted from 4pm on Saturday 16 until 2pm on Sunday 17 April.  Access on foot should not be hindered – the nearest convenient car park will be Eastgate/Langworthgate.

Doris Garnett : Would like to thank everyone for their prayers and loving support throughout her recent ill health.

Bible Readings

Sunday 17 April                                        4th Sunday of Easter

Sung Eucharist                                          Acts 9: 36-end,  Revelation 7: 9-end,  John 10: 22-30

Mattins                                                     1 Kings 17: 17-end,  Luke 7: 11-23

Evensong                                                  Isaiah 63: 7-14,  Luke 24: 36-49

Sunday 24 April                                        5th Sunday of Easter

Sung Eucharist                                          Acts 11: 1-18,  Revelation 21: 1-6,  John 13: 31-35

Mattins                                                     2 Samuel 7: 4-13,  Acts 2: 14a, 22-32 [33-36]

Evensong                                                  Daniel 6: [1-5] 6-23,  Mark 15: 46-16.8

Sunday 1 May                                           6th Sunday of Easter

Sung Eucharist                                          Acts 16: 9-15,  Revelation 21: 10, 22-22.5,  John 14: 23-29 or John 5.1-9

Mattins                                                     Genesis 1: 26-28 [29-end],  Colossians 3: 1-11

Evensong                                                  Zephaniah 3:14-end,  Matthew 28:  1-10, 16-end