The Church Commissioners has announced it will support England’s cathedral choirs with up to £1 million available to ease the impact of COVID-19.

The initiative match-funds a campaign by The Cathedral Choirs Emergency Fund which pledged to raise £1 million through fundraising ideas such as a celebrity virtual choral evensong.

Following the Government’s announcement last week that singing could recommence in specific circumstances, the funding will pay the salaries of Lay Clerks (adult singers) for up to four months from the time that it is safe to restart indoor choral services with congregation, which is likely to cover Advent and Christmas.

The Church of England is also supporting the ongoing research overseen by Public Health England into the risk of the spread of covid-19 through singing and awaits the findings.

The Very Revd Christine Wilson, Dean of Lincoln said

“Our excellent choral tradition is at the heart of our worship here at Lincoln Cathedral.

Choirs enrich our life and maintain a strong cultural heritage which spans many centuries. We welcome this very encouraging news and offer of support at a time when cathedral choirs across the country were under real threat.”

Read more about how you can support music at Lincoln Cathedral.