On Sunday 13 October, Lincoln Cathedral will hold A Time to Remember; a service for all those who have lost a child before birth or in infancy.

Every year, thousands of people experience the loss of a baby in pregnancy, at or soon after birth, and in infancy. While nothing can remove parents’ and families’ pain at such a devastating time, professional, spiritual and emotional support can help people to navigate their grief.

A Time to Remember takes place in Baby Loss Awareness Week; now in its 17th year, the annual awareness week, is an opportunity for bereaved parents, families and friends, to commemorate babies’ lives and break the silence around pregnancy and baby loss in the UK.

It is hoped that as well as offering support and a space for remembrance for those that have experienced the loss of a child during pregnancy or in infancy, that the service will also help to raise awareness of the range of support that is available for families and friends.

A Time to Remember takes place at 2pm on Sunday 13 October in Lincoln Cathedral, and people of every faith or none are welcome to attend.