The Revd Canon John Patrick, Subdean of Lincoln has announced that he has withdrawn his notice of resignation and will remain at the Cathedral.

John Patrick had planned to leave the Cathedral in early summer, but explained that given the exceptional situation that the country now finds itself in, the decision to leave no longer felt like the right choice. “Even though our doors are not currently open, the Cathedral represents endurance in this time of uncertainly and change, and we must all work together to continue to build upon our faith.

“By doing that, we ensure that in future the community is stronger than ever and that the Cathedral remains at the heart of Lincoln. I continue to pray for you and look forward to the day when we can all worship together in the Cathedral again.”

As Canon Pastor, the Subdean is working closely with colleagues as they seek to support those in need, the frightened, the sick and the vulnerable at this time.

As Master of the Fabric, the Subdean oversees the maintenance and conservation of the Cathedral, which includes the Lincoln Cathedral Connected project – a £16m lottery funded project which will deliver a new visitor centre, exhibition space, café and shop. John said that while delays would now be inevitable as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the project will still deliver a fantastic resource for the people of Lincoln and visitors to the Cathedral.

The Very Revd Christine Wilson, Dean of Lincoln, said “I warmly welcome the Subdean’s decision. John is a valued colleague and I am grateful in these unprecedented times that he has chosen to remain in post and support the mission and ministry of the Cathedral both in his role as canon pastor and particularly in his oversight of the Lincoln Cathedral Connected project at such a critical time in its delivery.”