Sunday 2 September to Saturday 15 September 2018

Christine Wilson, Dean Sal McDougall, Precentor Paul Overend, Chancellor John Patrick, Subdean
Rachel Revely, Curate


There is a short story by EM Forster called ‘The Other Side of the Hedge’, it tells the story of a man who has been running along a dry and dusty road.

He stops to catch his breath by the hedge which borders the road and reflects that he does not want to be like his brother whom he had to leave by the roadside a year or two back after the brother had “wasted his breath on singing and his strength on helping others”.

He feels a cool breeze of fresh air across his face. It seems to come from the other side of the hedge and with a struggle he pushes through the thorns and suddenly finds himself in an exquisite place of beauty with blue sky, brilliant sunshine and cool waters. The air is filled with the songs of nightingales and as daylight wanes the runner turns around and sees the hedge and the monotonous road he has left. Standing there in the twilight on that thin border between heaven and earth, he senses for the first time what eternal life on the other side must be like.

So often we are invited to concentrate on short-term pleasure and leave the big questions of life and death, faith and belief to someone else. So often the world condemns, but God rushes to us with His love and embraces us. It is often just a matter of stopping, looking, listening and waiting quietly upon God. We can do that in our worship today and as we celebrate our Patronal Festival next Sunday; we can do it with students from the University of Lincoln as they graduate from the Cathedral in the next fortnight; we can do it through the Exhibition of Lincolnshire Churches taking place in the Chapter House this coming week; we can do it through the many people who come into this Cathedral as visitor and pilgrim and glimpse something of the loves and peace that God can give. Within the life of this Cathedral we have revealed to us moments when God is made known to us.

In the rush and the bustle let’s all pause for thought along the hot and dusty road, look through the hedge: stop, look, listen, wait and open our hearts to the message of Jesus Christ, and we too shall find ourselves surprised by joy.

John Patrick, Subdean


Festivities of our Dedication: The Cathedral is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary of Lincoln, and so on Saturday 8 September, on the feast of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary, there will be a Festal Evensong, sung by our choir.
On Sunday 9 September we are keeping a Festal Eucharist at the time of 10.30. There will be no Mattins, as we hope to bring both congregations together for this Eucharist.

Box of TLC: We are currently experiencing a rise in rough sleepers and homeless around the Cathedral precincts. If you would like to offer some support to them there is a box in the Vergers Vestry to collect small practical items for distribution by the Vergers, we would welcome: socks, hats, toothbrushes and toothpaste, deodorant, soap, wet wipes, nail brushes, chocolate and other treats. This is to give dignity and care; we would appreciate new items rather than second hand.

Stillpoint: Finding silence in a busy world: On a Saturday morning each month, there will be 45 minutes of guided silent or contemplative prayer in the Ringers’ Chapel, from 9.30am-10.45am. The first couple of dates are 29 September and 27 October. Please take a leaflet.

Lincoln Cathedral Community Association Annual General Meeting will be held on 5th November 2018 in The Cathedral Centre at 7-00 p.m. for 7-30 p.m. More details regarding the meeting will provided in due course. Please enter this date in your diary.

Organ Recital Series 2018: Join us and experience an instrument like no other: This series of concerts continues, showcasing talent from across the UK and Europe, bringing some of the greatest organists to perform on the world famous Father Willis Organ – 8 September – Wolfgang Kleber, Darmstadt, Germany. 29 September – James Lancelot, Emeritus, Durham Cathedral. 5 October – Organ Extravaganza, with Lincoln Cathedral Resident Organists and Lincoln Cathedral Choir. 16 December – Olivier Messiaen’s La Nativité du Seigneur, Colin Walsh.

The Hallé 2018: The Hallé Orchestra are returning to the Cathedral on Friday 21 September under the baton of Karl Heinz Steffens. Tickets are now available on the Cathedral Website, from the Shop, or over the phone 01522 504394.

LCCA visit to Stow Minster: A guided tour of Stow Minster has been arranged by the Cathedral Community Association for Saturday 15th September at 11am, meeting there at 10.45am. If people would like to go, please sign up on the list on the Community Association noticeboard, as Stow have asked for approximate numbers in advance.


Bible Readings

Sunday 2 September
14th Sunday after Trinity

Sung Eucharist
Deuteronomy 4: 1-2, 6-9; James 1: 17-end; Mark 7: 1-8, 14, 15, 21-23
Jonah 3.1-9; Revelation 3.14-end
Exodus 12: 21-27; Matthew 4: 23-5.20

Sunday 9 September
15th Sunday after Trinity

Sung Eucharist
Isaiah 35 4-7a; James 2: 1-10 and 14-17; Mark 7: 24-end
Exodus 14.5-end; Matthew 6.1-18

Sunday 16 September
16th Sunday after Trinity

Sung Eucharist
Isaiah 50 4-9a; James 3: 1-12; Mark 8: 27-end
Isaiah 44.24-45.8; Revelation 12.1-12
Exodus 18.13-26; Matthew 7.1-14