It has been heartening that over the last few days so many people have commented positively about the Cathedral’s Christmas celebrations of the birth of the Christ Child.

Many have mentioned the worship and the music, the welcome and good attendances, people have enjoyed the crib and the Christmas trees! Thank you to all those who have contributed to that success.

We have joyfully proclaimed that God is with us – Emmanuel: God amongst us, God in the midst of us, God made manifest in the Child of Bethlehem.

In the Epiphany Season – which begins this Sunday – that manifestation is made all the more clear in the person of Jesus Christ: his baptism, and the sign at Cana of Galilee when water is turned into wine – the ordinary becomes special and God’s overflowing generosity and love is made visible. As the light of the sun strengthens and lengthens each day of this season, we are reminded that the light of that one true God reaches even further into our hearts and minds.

As we are led further into the mystery of the God made visible we are invited to take that light into the world. With the turning of the diary page from December to January the problems of the world have not vanished out of sight: challenges politically, economically, environmentally, personally are ever present. In many respects we are not in a good place. So, it is all the more important to keep the Good News of Christ burning and the proclamation alive that God is with us.



Worship & Mission

Sacred Space
Once a month on a Sunday at 6.45pm
This popular service is gentle and reflective with time to wonder and explore, encouraging everyone to use all their senses; it offers a different way to experience worship at Lincoln Cathedral.

The next Sacred Space service takes place on January 19, and the theme is ‘Follow the Star.’

Themes for the coming months are:
February 16 – The Potter and the Clay
March 15 – Walking in the Wilderness
April 19 – Joyful Creation
May 17 – Doubt and Wonder
June 21 – Explore and Grow
July 19 – Community and Connected

Saturday 18 January, 9am-9.45am
Led by Revd Ann Mazur, this is a time of guided silent prayer to be still and aware of the presence of God.

Epiphany Carol Service
Saturday 18 January, 5.30pm
All are welcome.



A date for your diary – LCCA will be organising its Annual Shrove Tuesday Party on 25 February 2020 in the Chapter House. More details will follow, but, please make a note of the date.

The Lincoln Cathedral Retired Staff and Volunteers Group
The Lincoln Cathedral Retired Staff and Volunteers Group are looking for someone from the Cathedral Community who can help with the running of this informal group. Meetings are held monthly. If you are interested and want to know more get in touch with Ann Martin / Kate Hellen either in person or by leaving your details in the Guides Letter Tray in the Visitor Services office and they will get back to you.

Melanie Weatherly MBE
We are delighted to share the news with you that Melanie Weatherley, who runs the Cathedral Sunday School, has been awarded an MBE for her services to social care. Melanie runs Walnut Care which supports mostly older people in their homes. She is also the driving force behind the Lincolnshire Care Awards that began three years ago.

Pilgrimage to Oberammergau
The Acting Dean and the Archdeacon of Lincoln are leading a Pilgrimage to Oberammergau to see the world famous passion play between 13-20 May next year. Staying in Austria and Germany the pilgrimage will explore this beautiful part of Europe, whilst reflecting on the events that lie at the heart of our faith. The play itself is the most extraordinary experience. There are a few places left. More information is available on the verger’s table in the South Choir Aisle or from the Acting Dean.



Epiphany Carol Service
Saturday 18 January, 5.30pm.
During this season of Epiphany, we remember again the visit of the magi from the east, Christ’s baptism in the Jordan, and the turning of the water into wine at the wedding feast in Cana. These are all revelations of God’s glory in Christ and his identification with his people in every time and place.
Join us for a service of music and readings to celebrate the Epiphany season.
All are welcome

Annual Choristership Celebration Evensong
Sunday 26 January, 3.45pm
This service is an opportunity for us to give thanks for the permanent named choristerships and annual choristership sponsorships, which are invaluable in supporting the exquisite music here in the Cathedral.

Passiontide Concert: St John Passion
Saturday 28 March 2020, 7pm
Lincoln Cathedral Choir accompanied by Northern Baroque are joined this year by some talented soloists:
Mark Wilde: Evangelist
Jacob Fieldman: Christus
This year’s conductor will be Lincoln Cathedral’s Director of Music, Aric Prentice.
The St John Passion is one of Bach’s most famous pieces of sacred music, telling the Biblical story of Jesus’ crucifixion.

Save the date
As always, there are numerous great events planned for 2020. There will be more details to follow, but for now make a note of some of the following dates in your diaries.

  • Jazz Concert – 9 May
  • Cathedrals at Night – 30 May
  • Come and Sing – 6 June 2020
  • Be a Chorister for the Day – 13 June
  • Flower Festival – 29 July – 3 August
  • Museum of the Moon – 12 October – 2 November
  • The Hallé – 23 October
  • Handel’s Messiah – 21 November
  • The Snowman – 12 December
  • Carols by Candlelight – 16 December


Bible Readings

Sunday 5 January
The Epiphany

Sung Eucharist
Isaiah 60: 1-6
Ephesians 3: 1-12
Matthew 2: 1-12

Jeremiah 31: 7-14
John 1: 29-34

Isaiah 60: 1-9
John 2: 1-11


Sunday 12 January
Baptism of Christ

Sung Eucharist
Isaiah 42: 1-9
Acts 10: 34-43
Matthew 3: 13-end

Exodus 14: 15-22
1 John 5: 6-9

Joshua 3: 1-8, 14-end
Hebrews 1: 1-12


Sunday 19 January
Second Sunday of Epiphany

Sung Eucharist
Isaiah 9: 1-4
1 Corinthians 1: 10-18
Matthew 4: 12-23

Jeremiah 1: 4-10
Mark 1: 14-20

Ezekiel 2: 1-3.4
Galatians 1: 11-end