
Maya Angelou was a poet, singer and civil rights activist who worked with Martin Luther King. I offer her words into a week when the campaign #blacklivesmatter has been at the fore and as we continue to journey through the struggles and challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic.

My wish for you is that you continue
To be who and how you are
to astonish a mean world
with your acts of kindness
To allow humour to lighten the burden
of your tender heart
In a society dark with cruelty
to let the people hear the grandeur
of God in the peals of your laughter
To let your eloquence
elevate the people to heights
they had only imagined
To remind the people that
each is as good as the other
and that no one is beneath
nor above you
To remember your own young years
and look with favour upon the lost
And the least and the lonely
To put the mantle of your protection
around the bodies of
The young and defenceless
To take the hand of the despised
and diseased and walk proudly with them in the high street
Some might see you and
be encouraged to do likewise
To plant a public kiss of concern
on the cheek of the sick
and the aged and infirm
and count that as a
natural action to be expected
To let gratitude be the pillow
upon which you kneel to
say your nightly prayer
and let faith be the bridge
you build to overcome evil
and welcome good
To ignore no vision
which comes to enlarge your range
and increase your spirit
To dare to love deeply
and risk everything
for the good thing
To float
happily in the sea of infinite substance
which set aside riches for you
before you had a name
And by doing so
you and your work
will be able to continue



Worship & Mission

Holy Communion
Canon Nick Brown is preaching this Sunday for Trinity Sunday. Subdean will preside and the Dean will be reading the Gospel and prayers.

Nick is following a long tradition, as Trinity Sunday was the traditional Sunday when the prebendary of Carlton cum Thurlby was responsible for preaching at the Cathedral.

As always, we continue to encourage you to follow us on Facebook and Twitter where we will also be posting prayers, videos and more information about the Cathedral.



Preparing and planning
While there is still no more news on an exact date when we will be able to open the doors of the Cathedral again, that has not stopped the team here carefully planning for re-opening as soon as we are able.

We continue to follow the advice of the government and the Church of England and have been thoroughly assessing any potential risks and addressing them accordingly.

Extended cleaning rotas have been planned, one-way systems are being drawn up, hand sanitiser stations and other protective equipment has been ordered; all with the purpose of creating a space where you can feel reassured that every precaution has been taken to protect you and everyone else who visits.

Getting things right in this ‘new normal’ is a challenge. This is not something any of us have experienced before, it is a new journey that we are all on together. So please be patient as we travel this new path with you.

Most of all, please know that we are looking forward to, and actively planning the day when we can open wide our doors and welcome you back into this special place of worship, prayer and spiritual nurture. A place that is loved and cherished by so many as a symbol of homecoming, sanctuary and peace.


Thank you to our volunteers
This week is Volunteer week and we are celebrating the skill, passion and dedication of the amazing volunteers who bring the Cathedral to life.

Dean Christine said, “Our volunteers really are the living treasures of the cathedral. We miss them and look for the day we can open the doors and meet again.”

You can watch a short video thank our volunteers on our website –

Staffing news
On Wednesday 10 June we say goodbye to Cara Markham who has been interim Business Development Manager since November, during Sam Mellows’ maternity leave.

We wish Cara all the best in her new role as Commercial Development Manager at West Lindsey District Council and thank her for all she has done to maintain the work of the Business Services Department during Sam’s leave.

We welcome back Sam Mellows after her maternity leave and we continue to offer Sam and Paul our congratulation on their beautiful daughter Lucy, who is now preparing to begin nursery

Pastoral care
If you would like support, or just a chat with a friendly voice, please do contact either the Subdean or the Dean’s Verger.
John Patrick 07956 566101
John Campbell 07733 276335


Bible Readings

Sunday 7 June
Trinity Sunday

Isaiah 40: 12-17, 27-end
2 Corinthians 13: 11-end
Matthew 28: 16-20

Exodus 3: 1-6, 13-15
John 17: 1-11

Evening Prayer
Isaiah 6: 1-8
John 16: 5-15


Sunday 14 June
First Sunday after Trinity

Genesis 18: 1-15 [21: 1-7]
Romans 5: 1-8
Matthew 9: 35- 10: 8 [9-23]

Deuteronomy 10:12-11: 1
Acts 23: 12-end

Evening Prayer
1 Samuel 21: 1-15
Luke 11: 14-28


Sunday 21 June
Second Sunday after Trinity

Genesis 21: 8-21
Romans 6: 1b-11
Matthew 10: 24-39

Deuteronomy 11: 1-15
Acts 27

Evening Prayer
1 Samuel 24: 1-17
Luke 14: 12-24