Speaking Truth to Power

I was, to say the least, disappointed at the behaviour of certain new MEPs this last week when they chose to turn their backs to the Chamber of the European Parliament during the playing of the European Anthem, Ode to Joy.

It was a childlike and childish act not worthy of those elected by this country to represent them in the European Parliament. I doubt that they turned their backs to the salaries and other significant benefits that they have as MEPs.

We are in desperate need today, within this country and further afield, of politicians and those in positions of power who can show real leadership, good judgement and wisdom in order to guide their nations and peoples: working for the Common Good and the peace and good will of all. The behaviour of these elected representatives showed none of these virtues.

The challenge that we face as Christians is how to speak to the present situation with courage and conviction. The example that we set before us is of Christ Jesus who did not turn his back to those who opposed him, but spoke truth to power, who was not afraid to oppose wrong doing when he saw it and sought at all times and in all places to stand for God’s Kingdom in the here and now: a kingdom of love and peace, compassion and understanding.

As Christians we believe in a God who turns towards us in mercy and forgiveness and desires that, recognising our differences, we can nonetheless live together in peace and unity for the good of all.



Worship & Mission

Spiritual Classics Reading Group

Saturday 6 July, 10.30am
The Precentory,12 Eastgate, LN2 1QG
This is an open group in which members read a book prior to the meeting and discuss it together.
This month the book is The Imitation of Christ by Thomas Á Kempis

Lectio Divina Bible reflection Group

Saturday 6 July, 4pm-5pm
The Precentory,12 Eastgate, LN2 1QG
We meet to read, ponder and pray through the Sunday readings for Eucharist of the following day. All are welcome.


Saturday 3 August, 9am-9.45am
You are invited to 45 minutes of guided silent prayer in the Ringers’ Chapel of Lincoln Cathedral. No experience of contemplative prayer needed. All are welcome.

Lincoln Theological Network Lecture by Dr Sibylle Erle

Saturday 7 September, 3.00pm – 4.30pm
Anti-Clerical Views and Theological Thought: William Blake’s Visionary Christianity by Dr Sibylle Erle, Reader in English Literature in the School of Humanities at Bishop Grosseteste University, author and co-editor of the two-volume collection titled The Reception of William Blake in Europe (Bloomsbury, 2019)

This lecture, which is on William Blake’s response to the creation story in Genesis, explores body-making in Blake’s creation myth to consider the relationship between the human and the divine.



‘The Silk Road’

Thursday 11th July, 10.30am
27 Minster Yard.
A talk by John Robinson, hosted by the Lincoln Cathedral Retired Staff and Volunteers Group. A perfect opportunity to meet former colleagues and make new friends. Annual Membership Fee £5, guests very welcome £2.

Road Closures

Minster Yard remains closed to traffic until December. There will be no access to vehicles, but throughout the works there will be pedestrian access to the West Front of the Cathedral and the Galilee and Judgement doors.

Any arrangements for disabled access should be pre-arranged with Stuart Peace from Birch. You can email him on Stuart.Peace@williambirch.co.uk.



Organ Concert Series 2019

Saturday 20 July, 7pm, Hilary Punnett
Saturday 21 September, 7pm, Charles Harrison
Friday 4 October, 7pm, Organ Extravaganza
Sunday 22 December, 5.30pm, La Nativité du Seigneur


You can join RSPB Lincolnshire each weekend throughout June and July to try and catch a glimpse of the Peregrine Falcons nesting on the central tower of the Cathedral. The chicks are now fledging and will be making their first flights. The RSPB tent is located on the East Green, near to the Tennyson Statue and the team have loads of information and telescopes for you to use. It is free of charge, but donations to the RSPB are gratefully received.

 Lunchtime Concert – Bellevue Presbyterian Church Choir

Thursday 11 July, 1pm-2pm
The Bellevue Presbyterian Church Choir visits Lincoln Cathedral from Washington, USA as part of a summer tour of the UK. The choir of 50 will perform a range of Sacred music from Mendlessohn’s Kyrie and Heilig to Biery’s O Sacrum Convivium. To find out more about the choir, please visit www.belpres.org

Oliver! Tickets

There are still tickets available for the production of Oliver! If you are struggling to find enough seats for your group online at lincolncathedral.com, please call 01522 561658 and we can look for suitable spaces.
The show takes place in the Cathedral from Monday 5 to Friday 16 August 2019 (excluding Sunday 11 August).

The Hallé

Friday 27 September
The Hallé returns to Lincoln Cathedral for its popular and highly acclaimed annual concert. The musicians will fill the Nave with the stirring and atmospheric sounds of Elgar, Sibelius and Saint-Saëns. The Cathedral is also delighted to announce the return of Sir Mark Elder CH CBE, music director at The Hallé as the conductor for this year’s performance. The Hallé will be joined by our very own Organist Laureate, Colin Walsh for a rendition of Saint-Saëns’ Organ Symphony No.3 in C minor.

Tickets are available from www.lincolncathedral.com, by calling 01522 561658 or in the Cathedral Shop. Prices start from £12.

Wallace and Gromit

Tickets will go on sale for Wallace and Gromit In Concert; The Wrong Trousers on Monday 15 July.

The audience will be treated to a showing of the film on a big screen in the Nave of the Cathedral, and the 30-piece chamber orchestra will bring the soundtrack to life in spectacular fashion.  It’s guaranteed to be a smashing show and ticket prices start from £6.


Tickets for all events are available on the Cathedral website – lincolncathedral.com


Bible Readings 

Sunday 7 July
Third Sunday after Trinity

Sung Eucharist
Isaiah 66: 10-14
Galatians 6: 7-16
Luke 10: 1-11, 16-20

Deuteronomy 24: 10-end
Acts 28: 1-16

Genesis 29: 1-20
Mark 6: 7-29

Sunday 14 July
Fourth Sunday after Trinity

Sung Eucharist
Deuteronomy 30: 9-14
Colossians 1: 1-14
Luke 10: 25-37

Deuteronomy 28: 1-14
Acts 28: 17-end

Genesis 32: 9-30
Mark 7: 1-23

Sunday 21 July
Fifth Sunday after Trinity

Sung Eucharist
Genesis 18: 1-10a
Colossians 1: 15-28
Luke 10: 38-end

Deuteronomy 30: 1-10
1 Peter 3: 8-18

Genesis 41: 1-16, 25-37
1 Corinthians 4: 8-13