To lay down one’s life for one’s friends

This Sunday (9 June) sees the end of Volunteer Week. Volunteering is one aspect of Christian discipleship that enables us to give of ourselves to the benefit of others (and hopefully provides something of value and satisfaction for us as well!). During the past week, I have tried to thank those volunteers who I have seen when I have been out and about in the Cathedral – but am all too aware that I will only have seen a fraction of the number of people who contribute in so many ways to the life and work of the Cathedral. If you volunteer in any way, and I have not bumped into you and had the chance to thank you, please accept my thanks for all that you add to the Cathedral. Taking the quote from John’s gospel slightly out of context, in volunteering as we give of ourselves we open ourselves to receiving something of even greater value; I hope that in your volunteering for the Cathedral you not only give something that is of great value, but gain much in return. I know that without the contribution of our volunteers, the life and work of the Cathedral would be greatly impoverished…

Download the Chapter letter – 09.06.24